May June And Some TTCers Part 18

80 Replies
Tracy88 - January 25

Well, I just sat here and posted my heart out, and then I somehow lost the post, so I will try again later. I'm pooped from my long a__s post that never made it!!!


TTC#3@35 - January 25

Tracy88 - They never mentioned a laproscope. Everything on my u/s looked normal & my dr said that if that EA would show an overabundance of endometrial tissue then that would mean its probably outside the uterus. But since mine was ok then she said that i'm endo.. But I will continue for a couple more months & see what happens but if this cramping all month long doesn't stop, I will be calling them. & i agree on getting someones recommendation about acupunture 1st. I really hope the pain stops for you. Hi Val- No wedding plans yet. Gonna be real simple since its my 2nd marriage. Since my soon to be Dh is a paraplegic he had a sperm a___lysis done & most of his levels are low.. BUT one big problem is is that we missed the first part of his ejaculate.. later on that day I checked the internet & it says that 90% of sperm is in that 1st part.... so im thinking his level would be up to some kind of normal then.. Good night ladies TTC#3 at 8dpo & crampy as usual


babymakes5 - January 26

Hi all. Tracy, what a bummer, I hate it when that happens. My ds was over last night typing a spanish paper until midnight, the laptop wouldn't let him save it or print and then it shut off completely so he lost everything. Poor guy was crying. I felt so bad for him, but I got him up early and he got it done before school, so all is good now, but how frustrating. I had a terrible night last night. I woke up at midnight to comfort him and went back to bed but couldn't sleep, then dog decided he wanted to play at 1 in the morning. Finally got to sleep and was dreaming that I was in so much pain with my spd, I couldn't move my legs. I woke up and realized I WAS in so much pain from SPD. I couldn't get up to go the bathroom and when I did finally get up I could hardly walk, it was awful. So, of course, from lack of sleep, I woke up with a terrible headache. I really wanted to stay home, but it's period end and I have to go to one of our warehouses to do inventory. Also, had a counseling appt w/17 yr old ds yesterday afternoon and it was awful. When we were done, both of us were bawling in the car on the way home...I'm ready to hang it up! I'm so glad today is Friday and I don't have anything going on tonight. I think I'm just going to go home and sleep it all off and maybe it'll look better tomorrow. Hope everyone else is doing good, sorry to be so depressing, but thanks for letting me vent...hugs to all.


Tracy88 - January 26

BM5.....listening to each other vent is one thing we are here for. Does sound like you had a hectic night. I think your plan for tonight sounds wonderful! I have not been feeling good at all, so I was started on antibiotics for a sinus infection yesterday. I pretty much stayed in bed the entire day (between computer visits). Now I am also feeling a bit depressed for various reasons that I won't delve into, but one of them is that nagging feeling of lonliness from noone throwing me a shower. I'll get over it.


babymakes5 - January 26

Well, Tracy, maybe this thread should take a trip down there for you! I wish we could throw you the party you deserve after everything you've been through. I just can't believe it's not going to happen. thanks for making me feel better about venting-I feel so bad venting to dh all the time. Last night, he didn't get home until 9:30 and when we were in bed, he asked how our appt went and I told him I didn't want to talk about it last night, I'm sure he was probably, like, great, here we go again, miss drama queen! Oh well, that's what they're there for, right?


TTC#3@35 - January 26

BM5 sorry about how you feeling today & what a night and day you had with ds.. I hope all is ok with him & you.. I think today is a depressed day for all. I'm feeling like that today too because I'm getting pretty moody & snap quick which means AF is probably coming.. What is SPD mean? Tracy88 - why no shower for you? I'm sorry i dont know about that yet.. I hate this time of my cycle.. looking for any ache or cramp to signal AF or not & getting my hopes up if I don't feel anything for couple hours then bang i get some cramps then I get depressed.. I don't quite remember how i felt with my 2nd dd if I had any symptoms or not, with my 1st dd had no cramps no nothing but that was when I was 25 not 35. It stinks!


Lovedblessings - January 26

HI Ladies, Seems like everyone is having a bit of a down day... I"m afraid that my day is going the same way! This morning we had an ultrasound at McMaster's hospital to check on the baby's kidneys. (Previous ultrasound showed some minor swelling) The results were that there is increased swelling, one kidney is swelling more than the other. There won't be an issue until the baby is born when he has to filter on his own. We had a meeting at the Pedicatic Nephrology Department where they told us he will require an ultrasound when his two weeks old to determine the cause of the swelling. On the way home I stopped at the grocery store to pick up formula for my 11 month old. On the way back to the car the buggy tipped over with my son in his car seat in it. He was fine just scared, I feel just sick about it. A lovely couple helped me to the car, it was all I could do not to cry. Although once I drove away I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. Better stick to bedrest for the remainder of the day, I just feel so overwhemled at the moment. I always love chatting on this forum, just wished I had more timet to do so. Hope everyone's day improves! Take care for now Louisa


Tracy88 - January 26

Yes, it sounds like the "blahs" are going around today. First of all, Louisa, so glad to hear your munchkin is ok from the grocery cart spill. That must have been so frightening. Do the docs see the kidney swelling thing often? I mean, like is this common? Is there a common cause of it? Do they know anything? Take it easy man, and even though I don't pray often, I will say one for you today! BM5......sometimes I feel bad for laying everything on my husband too, that's why I think I try to communicate with others online. It gives me a perfect place to make friends, but also gives him a break from all of my girly issues. Like the baby shower thing for example. I really have noone to cry to but him and you guys, because if I cry to anyone else then that puts them in an awkward place. So really I only cry to you guys because I am trying to spare him from something he doesn't really understand.'s the shower story in a nut shell. My MIL and SIL can't give me a shower because the other daughter in law that they hate is also PG. They try to be fair with both of us, but as mean as she has been to the family, I don't think they want to reward her behavior with a shower. Does that make sense??? I have a mother who is frugal and from another country where events like this are not common, so it wouldn't even occur to my own mother to throw me a shower. I also have two sisters, one of which just had surgery on her spine, so she is out by default, and my older sister never had a shower, so I don't think it would occur to her to be nice and give someone else one. Capiche???? That just leaves my friends, and like I told the other girls, they are throwing a shower for another girl that we work with April 1st who is due exactly the same time as me, and that girl knows they are throwing her a shower, yet noone has said a word to me about, well, ME. I have been feeling stupid, left out, shafted, lonely, and friendless ever since my preggo friend asked for my address so she could send me an invitation to her shower. We all sat here speculating on whether they could be throwing me a shower along with my other friend, but it be a surprise for me, but my gut is telling me no. So, that's my sad, pitiful little story. So I just went by DH's office to pick him up for lunch, when dh's brother's PG wife said she was going home this week for a baby shower being thrown by her mother. NICE, even the b___h gets a shower from someone! Yes, this is the same b___h who made a comment about my weight the other day.


babymakes5 - January 26

Hi Loved-definitely sounds like you're in the same boat as we are. I'm so sorry that you didn't get better news from your u/s. Just try not to worry until you absolutely have to. It seems so many times those diagnosis are off. I know it's easier said than done though! Bedrest sounds like something we could all use! :) Based on no post from LM3 today, I'm thinking she may be feeling the same way, especially with AF arriving yesterday. I'm sure glad we have each other. :) TTC#3, thanks for joining us and I sure hope you get good news, waiting is so hard! SPD is Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction which is when the hormore, Relaxin-which is what causes your pelvic bone to separate-releases too rapidly and the pelvic bone separates too quickly..or something like that. Anyways, my two legs get disconnected from each other. It's a really odd feeling. If I'm lying in bed without a pillow between my legs, I would get stuck and not be able to move my legs on their own. Someone actually has to lift and separate them in order to move. Or, if I'm standing and I bend down to look at something (like a bottom shelf in the store), I can't stand back up without help. I had it with other pgs and I guess it gets worse with every pg, so it didn't start getting bad until mo 6 on priors, but seems to be hitting me early. Some women have to wear a brace around pelvic area and undergo physical therapy. I may have to look into those. It's just a lot of pain and going up and down stairs are a big no-no, but of course I have stairs at work so I can't really avoid it. Kudos to everyone and hopefully tomorrow will be better.


babymakes5 - January 26

Tracy-missed your post, we must've been typing at the same time. I can't believe she gets a shower and you don't! Where is the justice! Just remember what comes around, goes around (maybe her baby will be an alien-lol)!


TTC#3@35 - January 26

Tracy - I'm so sorry about your shower situation.. after all the problems you had. its too bad us ladies here do not live close because everyone girl deserves a little party..that really stinks but there is alot of time before your due date so who knows.. Oh gosh BM5 that sounds painful! Take it easy... Thanks val for your positive thoughts.. i need them Have a great relaxing weekend..


Tracy88 - January 27

I got woken up again and now can't go back to sleep. Gotta love it! I popped in Baby Gap today and couldn't resist a little pair of Camoflauge pants that are in pink/lavender colors instead of army green. I don't know why I think they are just the cutest things ever. Baby Gap has some really cute things right now. I probably won't be going in there often, but when something so cute sidetracks you like those pants did me, you just have to buy them! My husband thinks I'm crazy. I let out a good cry today over the shower thing. I think it's affecting me so bad because I'm hormonal and there's not much I can do to control the situation. Oh well. I hope you all are sleeping like little bugs in a rug right now. Sweet dreams!


Hopeful and excited - January 27

Hello all! Well I had a relatively lazy day yesterday. I too have been feeling a bit weepy over the last few days but nothing to worry about. I think, to be honest, it has something to do with the fact that the snow is coming down thick and fast now (didn't I say - be careful what you wish for?!!?!?! LOL!!!!) and it means that it's got darker and colder. I was getting used to the fact that it was almost springlike here and the sunshine was so uplifting. Of course, on occasion, when the sun does reappear, everything looks beautiful in it's new whiter-than-white snowsuit so it's not all bad. I just wish it was sunny all the time so that I didn't feel so penned into my home. Oh well - DH and I are leaving tomorrow morning for a short break away (so I'll be MIA until next Friday - don't worry!!) and hopefully the springlike weather will be found again there!! ******* TTC#3 - sorry to hear about your cramping. I'm one of those infuriating people who gets nothing like that so I've no answers to your questions. All I can suggest is to stay as hydrated as you can because that seems to solve most things for me. However, your suggestion to Tracy about the acupuncture could also be a possibility for you too, couldn't it? I wonder if it's worth a try. Much Baby Dust coming your way and hope AF doesn't! Tracy - I'm so sorry to hear the back pain isn't easing at all. Try not to stress too much about it - your doctors will help you through it I'm sure. Re. your baby shower - This is terrible and I feel so badly about it for you. Is there no way you can confide in your friend who is having a shower at the same time as you that you're sad about the whole situation? Or is she not really that close? Perhaps you could speak to someone you trust and ask them to ask her about it. I can't believe that you'd be left hanging like this! It seems so unfair. What about your DH mentioning it to someone? Hope it sorts itself out soon. Stay rested and keep up with that retail therapy - sounds like it's doing you wonders!! LOL!! LM3 - how are you today? I wish you all the luck in the world with your appointment next week. Make sure you take that list of questions with you!!!!!!!! Hope you find some suggestions and solutions while you're there and I'm looking forward to hearing about it all. Val - great to hear your update. We're definitely on the same wavelength re. avoiding meds and washable nappies (have you heard about the new craze - nappies made from bamboo!! Look it up - they look fantastic! What's your plan re. nappies - Terrys or "fitted" ones?) I don't know anything about hypnobirthing - tell me more please!! BM5 - sorry to hear about your SPD pain. Perhaps acupuncture might help there too? It sounds horrid and I'm so thankful that I don't have too many aches and pains. Dearest Lovedblessings - I'm so sorry to hear about your news and admire you so much for your strength and courage because you always sound so positive even when things are difficult. I really hope the doctors can ease your mind some more over the next few months and help you to cope. Rest as much as you can. ********* Must go now - packing to do. I'll post again as soon as I can but don't worry if you don't hear from me until next weekend. Have a great week all of you and make sure you rest as much as you can. Big Hugs, Belly Rubs and Baby Dust all round!! XOXOXOX


Hopeful and excited - January 27

Just thought I should mention - don't put TTC#3's full name in your updates coz the website thinks it's a url or email address with the "at" sign and that might be the reason why you can't post and sometimes lose the information. (Not your fault TTC#3 - just wanted people to know!!) TTYL! XOXOX


Lovedblessings - January 27

Good Morning Ladies, Here's to everyone having a better day than yesterday. Hormones certainly don't help any situation we face at the moment. Sometimes it feels like an out of body experience.. one moment you on cloud nine the next your crying your eyes out over just about anything. Thank godness we are all here for each other. Val, you must be excited now that you know for sure your having a little boy.. now you can do some serious shopping. Boy did I laugh when I heard about your MIL framing the picture, guess you won't be hanging that one on the tree!! It's wonderful that weight watchers gave you the confidence to know that you can lose the weight. That is such a big deal, once you start believing in yourself it's amazing what can happen. Of course it took me about 30 years before I figured that one out. lol In the past the word diet would automatically trigger me to head straight for the fridge. Now that I am closing in on 38 I have the confidence to wear just about anything.. even though the 20 year old bod just isn't there anymore.. Boy I miss those b___sts!!!! Babymakes5 how are you settling in to your new place? Your right about getting a few things on the wall what a big difference that makes. Our walls are covered with wall to wall pictures of the kids and family. Makes such a big difference when you love your home. Your ultrasound is on my b-day.. my youngest sons b-day is the 3rd. It's so hard to believe it's been a year already. Like your self I didn't feel bonded right away, knowing the s_x made a difference for me. with everyting going on in your life you wouldn't have had the chance. I can relate to just how excited you are.. it's like being a little kid a Christmas who can't wait to open the gifts. Make sure you get some rest this weekend and catch up on your sleep. That's great your son managed to finish his spanish paper, there's nothing worse that watching your baby struggle no matter what age they are. Tracy88 WIth this matter being your first it sounds like your are in the same boat of not knowing whats going to what to expect or what decisions you will stick to. Even with delivery It was the same for me, With my first there wasn't many options offered for pain management, when I asked (ok, begged or screamed) the nurse told me they wouldn't make much difference I had waited too long. With my second I had a gallbladder attack at the same time as being in labour, I would of taken drugs off the street had they been offered... which they were not however I did have an epiderul. AHHHHHH now that is a beautiful thing, just waiting around watching the monitor as the contractions come and go while waiting for the big advent. Started that day out with the thought that this was going to be a natural birth with no medication... we all just never know until we are in that situation. My girlfiriend had cats when she had her first also. The one cat was ten years old and decided that the crib was put in the room just for him. It took them three months and a water gun to convince him otherwise. lol Your sil's comments were inappropriate! If your anything like my SIL who was tiny to begin she looked huge during her pregnancy for no other reason than her small frame. Two weeks after she had her baby she was back in her skinny jeans looking terrific, I'm sure it will be the same for you also! Try not to worry too much about the medication, with all that the doctor gave me during the several hospital stays with my previous son he is very healthy and happy. Your baby will be too! I know I have missed a few people which I will get too shortly.. Just going to lay down for a bit.. darn contractions.. Talk to you soon, Louisa


lovemy3 - January 27

Good morning girls. I am making a list of questions and thoughts to discuss with my dr. Do any of you over 35 ever get this...I have v____al dryness except for when I'm ovulating, lkike I mean really dry. Also, less heavier, fuller b___sts, feel way more empty thru out the month. I am noticing thinning/hair loss near the crown area. Although all you know me can't tell, I see the amount in the shower. My moles have changed texture and also did that during pregnancy. I also notice change in memory. Soemtimes it will take me 3 or 4 minutes to rmember a phone number I know off by heart, itchyness of the outer lips of the v____al area, not yeast, skin irritation, dry, flaky, achy joints occasionally, more tired, but I have gained 60 lbs over the past 2 years as well. The biggest thing in the past year is light scant periods. This one lasted from Wed night to fri night- 48 hours and only required 2 pads. Does anyone have any of this ? I am so afraid and petrified to go because I think in my heart I know I'm menopausal. What do you all think, I'm so sad.



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