May June And Some TTCers Part 23

127 Replies
Val - May 1

hi ladies! LM3 - I ovulated pretty late until I went on Clomid which regulated my cycle (I o'd on cd19 all 3 months of clomid). I don't think it works for everyone, but it seemed to work for me. Have you been temping all along or did you just start? TRACY how are you feeling today? BM5 - your shower sounds like fun! Glad you got lots of good stuff. And thanks for the bf info. It's funny that you and LB both have stories about the nurses grabbing your bbs... I'm not sure how I'd feel about that! re: yogurt - I haven't heard any cautions about yogurt during pregnancy. It should be really good for restarting the culture in your stomach after taking antibiotics. It's my last day of work - yahoooo! My middle back has been really hurting this week if I'm not sitting in a really upright chair. It's been making me crabby, so I think it's good that I'm not teaching after today. Don't want to start snapping at my poor students (and I was pretty close to it yesterday!) I have to go call my Wednesday students to let them know that I won't be in tomorrow. I prepped them with a__signments last week so they should be fine. I feel a little bad for ending work so early (3.5 weeks before my due date) especially since we could use the money to cover for the rest of my leave, but I'm really looking forward to be able to rest and read and finish up my craft projects (I have a neat idea to make a Dr. Seuss characters mobile... I'm hoping I can pull it off!) ttyl.... V


babymakes5 - May 1

Hi everyone. Val-I'm so envious. I would love to start staying home now! Unfortunately, I still have 7 or 8 wks to go and I'm sure my employer is hoping I'll be very capable that entire time--they keep me very busy. My back has been bothering me too, but it's more like my tailbone? It's right above the b___tocks and when I don't get up and move for awhile, it's hard to walk. Okay, I have some TMI for you all--sorry about that, but I have to ask someone--you know how usually when you're pg, most are fighting constipation? I have the opposite problem. And lately, my stools have been dark, almost black, and very tar-like, any suggestions to why that would be? It's making for a very sore bum! I've heard of urine smelling from antibiotics, but is it possible it's from that? Although I'm pretty sure that it started before I even got on them. I drink tons of water a day and have been eating good-fruits and vegetables. It doesn't seem to matter though what I eat? Any help is appreciated--I'm sure my doctor would say what he always says--you're pregnant-lol. Tracy-sounds like the bh contractions I had before labor-hopefully it'll be the next day or two! Good luck and if there's any fairness in life-you'll have an easy delivery with such a hardship of a pregnancy! I remember with mine that I thought my delivery would be easy because my pg was so easy and my mom had such easy deliveries, but nope, my first one was about 12 hours and ended in an emergency c-section. It has to go the other way for you! Hugs to all-LM3 that would be nice if it was timing-fingers are crossed!


Tracy88 - May 1

BM5....I've had the same poop issues for the past few days. I'll ask the doc tomorrow when I go and see what he says. I have to say though, I haven't had any problems with constipation since way early in pregnancy thank God. I'll write more later. Right now I need to go lay down. I'm in a very fowl mood again thanks to my mom and sister.


lovemy3 - May 2

Thnaks Ladies. This is my first month temping and it looks like I ovulated for sure, reallyt late though. I think Sann, got her BFP on a late ovulation so I'm trying to be hopeful. Clomid is out for me with my past hisory and the risk of multiples so lets hope and pray it works this way. mothers day is my test day. Hope you all have a good week..lets see some babies ladies!


Tracy88 - May 2

LM3....I know so many women from the infertility board who were late ovulators and ended up PG. Keep temping woman. It wasn't until I was tracked by the doctors that I learned how much my ovulation dates were varying from month to month. I never temped, which I should have, because I was too scatterbrained and couldn't keep up with it. I was a school teacher at the time and would wake up at 5 and just forget that I had to roll over and take my temp. I was too tired!!!


Hopeful and excited - May 2

Hello all. So sorry to have been away for so long - got a good excuse though and she's called Miriana Rose. 9.5lbs (4.5kg) and 55cm long. INCREDIBLE birth story to tell you (though I say so myself!!) but no time to tell it now as I only just arrived back from hospital and things are still a bit strange. I promise not to leave it too long though. Sorry also not to reply to each of your posts but I'll get some time to read everything soon. Lots of love to you all - XOXOXOX


Hopeful and excited - May 2

Forgot to say - she arrived on 25th April (1 day earlier than due date). And now that I've had time to very briefly scan your news ................ MANY CONGRATULATIONS TO SANN AND ISABELLE! Big Hugs to all XOXOXOX


babymakes5 - May 2

CONGRATS HOPEFUL and MIRIANA!!!!! I love her name-it's beautiful! I'm so glad all is well and that you're home now. Have fun and enjoy her and post your story when you can! So glad to hear from you! Life will never be the same...


Tracy88 - May 2

Congratulations Hopeful. I could not be happier for you. We figured you were busy with a newborn since you had not checked in! I just got home from the doc a little while ago. I am now 2cm, effaced, and having bloody show. The doctor said he expects it to happen soon. Well, with this child, soon could mean a lot of things! Hopeful, post that beautiful story once you get time and again, super duper congrats!!!!


COL - May 2

Congratulations Hopeful and Sann, i am so happy for both of you, that is fantastic. 2 girls : ) i love the names too, very nice ones. Tracy, it looks you are the next in line:) but we know you have Savanah :) i cant wait to hear your birth stories. talk to you soon .


Val - May 2

HOPEFUL - congratulations! I love the name! And I'm so happy for you. TRACY, wow it sounds like you might really be getting close. Crossing my fingers for you, woman! BabyM5 - the only time I've had poops like that are when I've been taking a high iron supplement. LM3 - I'm really glad you're temping! I think really helps to understand your cycle. The first time I got pg, I think it was on cd26 or so. Well, I don't know if it's the nesting instinct kicking in or just having free time, but I've been on an organizational tear today! It's pretty fun. And the baby has been rolling and rollicking around. Maybe he's happy that I'm off work?! I swear, I thought he was going to jump out of my stomach earlier! ttyl....


Tracy88 - May 2

COL, awesome to hear from you! Val, I like feeling more organized too. It makes you feel clean mentally doesn't it? I am having a really slow movement day with Savannah. She needs to perk up or mommy's going to have a cow! I know she's ok because I heard her heart beat today and have felt some stuff, but just nothing big ya know?


Tracy88 - May 2

Oh, and I just realized that I forgot to ask the doc about the poop, but my theory is that it's food related because I have been eating a funky mix of foods this week, and just tried to eat a little less of a mix of stuff, and now it is more normal, soooooo


babymakes5 - May 2

Val and Tracy-I was just reading online about going into labor and they were saying that most women feel this urge to nest a day or two before labor starts. Could it be??? Tracy, I'd give you a couple of days tops. Did the doc say that you're baby has dropped yet? I've been trying to figure out if my little guy has dropped but I think it's too early for me, I'm only 33 wks. I just feel like he's sitting lower than usual and my heartburn has pretty much gone away and I was having it non-stop. I also read that the baby usually drops earlier in the 1st pg that's why I was wondering if you knew or not. They said after the first, the baby usually doesn't drop until labor starts, but maybe since it's been so long since my body's been in labor, it's acting as if it's the first? Who knows. I also wonder if he's small enough if he goes down but then comes back up? Can they come back up once they drop? So many questions, and this is my 4th! Go figure! Val, that's funny what you said about the iron supplement because I'm supposed to be taking one but haven't yet. But I've been feeling dizzy lately and I'm wondering if I'm losing iron, maybe that explains the stool? Tracy-did you happen to ask doc today? COL-also glad to hear from you, I hope all is well!


babymakes5 - May 2

Tracy-must've been posting at the same time. Re: poop, I haven't changed anything in my eating habits, which was what I would think it would be too. I guess maybe it's worth a call to the doc since it's been over a week like that. It's very fowl smelling too-sorry for TMI.


Tracy88 - May 2

BM5....I don't know about the poop thing either to be honest because at this point I can still relate to the "foul" part of whatever is going on! I haven't had gas in like...forever, but for the past two days I have been practically killing myself here! Foul is not the word for it....perhaps rotten is! I am so afraid to go into labor and stink up my hospital room or gas out the doctor!!



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