November Mommies Thread Starting 6 18

71 Replies
Perl - June 22

Kristin: Congratulations!!! Those are great results. I guess it's an "integrated" test in that it combines results of your 2 blood tests as well as combining odds for all 3 abnormalities (Down syndrome/trisomy/NTDs). Your odds of 1: 18,000 sound great! Extra tests in the US? . . . .I'm not sure---out the outset they took 8 little vials of blood to check for rubella, Syphillis, HIV, Hepat_tis A & B, blood count to check for anemia, and blood type test. Urine is checked at each prenatal visit. Glucose testing is done later on unless we're considered to be at high risk for gestational diabetes. My First Trimester Screening sounds similar to your IPS only in that it checked for Down's and 2 Trisomy abnormalities (yours had extra blood screening and checked for NTDs). After FTS comes the AFP which screens open neural tube defects & abdominal wall abnormalities & down's and trisomies (again, but less accurate than FTS). If my FTS had been abnormal there would have been other options (probably a check of my and/or dh's DNA.) Test for Cystic Fibrosis is optional. Also, even though my results from First Trimester Screening were good I still had the option to do CVS or Amnio if I wanted to. Doesn't seem like we do things drastically different in the US. **I'm sorry that your bf and your potential in-laws sound like they are selfish and they really stink! Do NOT budge on giving your baby your last name. You need to be able to travel with your own baby if you need to especially if you end up not marrying your bf. It's ridiculous of your bf to insist otherwise especially since he's not even your husband. BTW, who's law, is that a Canadian immigration rule that your child needs your last name for you to travel with him/her (just curious)? Your future father in law won't accept you until after you name your child after him? IF he has not accepted you already by now because you're carrying his grandchild, it's possible he never will and naming the child after him will not change a thing except that they'll think they can push you around. I'm giving my baby my last name as well as my DH's but I have not even discussed it with my husband yet. I may get some resistance from him or his mother but it's not open for discussion that's how it's been for people of my heritage since the Medieval times---any respectable family in my culture gives a child both mother and father's last names. I'd suggest that you not discuss names any further with your bf or his family since it seems they want to take control rather than discuss. As to your MIL's baby name suggestions--be gracious and hear her out but you don't have to do as she says. If you happen to find a Greek name that you like that should be enough to please them. If you asked her how she chose her children's names would she tell you she left it all completely up to her husband's family? If she actually says she let herself be controlled by her husband and his family then you can let her know that's not the Canadian way of doing things and say "how interesting and very different our cultures and traditions are".


Kristin72 - June 22

Perl~I have just one thing to say ..THANKYOU! Your words hit the nail on the nose. I will take your advice to heart. Not only are your words rational but logical. Thankyou again from the bottom of my heart...I feel so much better and I will reference your note if I am ever faced with any more confrontations. :) XO Kristin


happpygal - June 23

Kristin: I agree 100% w/what Perl DARE your boyfriend even suggest that the baby take HIS last name if he's not willing to marry you (and sounds like you're not sure about whether or not you want to even marry HIM). In the states, you have a choice whether or not to include the dad's name of birth cert. If it's not there, he has a harder time getting visitation etc, and also, you might have a harder time getting child support. I know from so manyh friends, legal issues MATTER....(Perl would know more about this than moi). You need to think about yourself and the baby...and I wouldn't trust your bf to do the "right" thing once the baby is born. Please feel free to check in about this's really vital you think carefully about it all. P.S. my family lives in Toronto....I grew up there. As for me, I had to have a biopsy today because of some strange skin lesions (one on my arm the other my tummy). It was uncomfortable, but better safe than sorry. Lyme disease was one of my derms concerns. I had an IVig treatment a weeks ago (which lowers the immune system) so it could also just be a symptom of some viral infections. Either way, a bit scary for me. Othersise things seems okay. My DH is still not being as nurturing to me as I would like him to.....but, I still think I have some hormonal issues that make me a bit critical right now. I'm scheduled for my 22 week ultrasound, and have refused the quad screen since at my age there are so many false postives....dont' want another thing to worry about. Not sure what other tests are coming up.....see OB next week and will ask. Have a great weekend everyone. Christa....hope you're hanging in there....if you feel like it, check in ...thinking about you.


Perl - June 23

Kristin, you're welcome.. Long ago I was in a long-term relationship with a 1/2 Arab, 1/2 Greek man and both sides of his family were too overbearing, vocal and demanding as to their traditions and customs. The Greek side of the family was bad and the Arab side of the family was even worse--good riddance horrible family! So I can sympathize with your predicament. It is possible to live harmoniously with your in-laws but it will require a lot of tact and diplomacy on your part (since they have none) as you stand firm in sticking up for yourself or else you'll become their doormat. ****MellyMel. . . .still waiting for your update. . .


Kristin72 - June 23

Thankyou as well happpygal!!!..and again Perl! Happpygal~ I hope everything turns our to be in your favour with your biopsies..that is just something unfortunate to have to deal with when pregnant. I can understand why you opted not to do the quad screening..but the 22 week utrasound should give you a good idea about things. You seem to have had a great pregnancy so far..and you give me hope for successfully trying again after this pregnancy. wishing you all the best!! Perl~ again thanks..your words have actually come straight out of my own mother's mouth before..I was brought up completely different than the way I am treated by his family. I have older brothers and a very respectful father who always put my mother first and on a pedestle my bro's have complete respect for women and in our family we just don't hold grudges against people because of race or ethnic origin. I find his family ignorant and narrow minded..and frankly uneducated...and I am not talking about schooling either. That said I know things will be fine..I tend to try and be a reasonable person and postive person..and I am no I know I will make the right decisions for my babies future. It is just nice to feel that we as women have allies even if they are on the computer. Another woman's point of view (who is also pregnant) really hits home for me. Also, I was wondering Perl have you booked your 19 week ultrasound..I think yours was to be around the 24th as well? I booked mine for Monday..I initially wanted my guy to come..but I think it will be another thing I will do on my own. How about you.. will your dh come with you? Mel~how did your prenatal appointment go? Hoping everything went just great! Christa~ how was your ultrasound? How are you feeling? Alexaand have you had any appointments or ultrasounds as of late? To everyone else please update!! I will just mention my due date again for everyone again...Nov 21st. I am 18 weeks 2 days today. I tend to forget everyones due dates. .How about the rest!!!Let us all know...XOXO Kristin


christa0120 - June 23

I had my appointment today. 18 week ultra sound shows...a DEFINATE BOY! Got the money shot right from the get hiding it from mama, daddy, grandma and big brother! All seems well. He was moving all about and even was making some very strong suking motions in there. MY POOR BOOBS! I can tell already My mood is lifting towards DH and baby. I am focusing all my anger at work now :) They really are p__sing me off with their juevenile behaviors. I suspect that was a great portion of what was going on. I discussed post partum depression and general pregnancy depression with one of my Drs today. They think I might benefit from getting on a safe mild anti depressant closer to term and for a few months beyond. I think it is probably a really good idea because I can see that I am heading down that road and while my hormones are still more or less in check ( yes, they do get worse after baby gets here!!!) I can make more rational decisions and hopefully prevent any major events. Thanks for everyones words of encouragent this last week. I appreciate everyones input. Congrats to all the good results. I would like to voice my opinion on Kristens subject. Name the baby what you want! Name it after you! Screw the inlaws. Screw your boyfriend. If you have reservations now, just wait, they will come on fast and furious later too when they tell you how and what to do with yor child as if you are an idiot. I speak from experinece. Typing (as you have all seen) is not my strong suit. I am much more vocal and expressive when using my voice over using the internet. I wish I could put my experiences all down to help you understand. But really...this is your child and you do not want to give them any reason to think otherwise. Good luck.


Perl - June 23

Happygal: I hope the biopsy shows that everything is alright. Before you got skin lesions did you get any sores on the inside of your mouth (like canker sores)? My aunt went through years of getting sores in her mouth that would not go away and then it progressed to skin lesions on random parts of her body. It took a while before her Dr. finally sent her to a specialist who was able to pinpoint the problem---a rare autoimmune disorder called "pemphigus vulgaris" (her immune system was attacking itself). They gave her meds to decrease her immune system as much as possible to prevent the lesions, but it's incurable and only can be treated with steroids. I hope this is not what's going on with you but I'm letting you know if it started with sores in the mouth, you should check into this so you won't spend years trying to figure it out like my aunt did. It's possible the lesions could be a one-time deal/a fluke related to a temporary reaction by your body's immune system in response to the IVIg treatment. Good luck!


Perl - June 23

Christa: A boy!! Congratulations!!! A lt_tle brother for Bryce, what was his reaction to this news? Good to hear that your mood toward your dh and baby are improved and that you're being proactive and asking about anti-depressants for postpartum depression BEFORE it actually sets in.*****Kristin: I do have an appointment with my OB next week on the 29th but it's just a regular prenatal appointment. My u/s is not actually until week 20 on July 6th. My dh will be at the u/s, he has been to every one of my prenatal appointments so far. Yes, he's very kind and good but he's also making up for being emotionally absent after my miscarriage last year which temporarily caused some serious problems in our marriage (I thought he was heartless and he thought I was a crazy, neurotic weepy woman). I think the problem last year was because I didn't ask him to come with me to any of my appointments thinking that he was too busy. I made sure to tell him at the beginning of this pregnancy that I needed him to come with me to the first few prenatal appointments and told him he did not need to take time from his work to come with me any more after my first u/s but once he saw our kid on that u/s, he was hooked and wants to come to every appointment that includes a doppler or u/s (basically every appointment). If I remember correctly, Kristin, last time you had an u/s your bf was with you and it softened him up (or I'm thinking of someone else?) Maybe that will do the trick again but since your relationship is a little strained right now you have to do what will make it a comfortable positive experience for you during the u/s. I suppose you may be the next one to let us know if you're having a boy or girl. How exciting! My "date of confinement" (as my Dr calls it) is Nov 22.


Kristin72 - June 23

Congrats on your baby boy Christa!!!...I am so happy for you..your spirit seems lifted..and I think you seem in control of your situation and that's a good thing. I have a good feeling things are looking up..and I think the meds may give you the boost you need later on...Perl good luck on your next prenatal..and I can't wait for your US results too..Have a great weekend ladies!! BTW..Mel how'd everything go today? Kristin


MellyMel - June 23

HAPPYGAL~I hope that your testing comes back negative and you are fine. Have you had your Level 2 yet? Also Kristen, I did not comment on the name topic because I would not say anything different than what all these girls told you. It seems we all agree on that issue. I think you would regret it later in life, I really do. Anyway, who else has Level 2 coming up? XO


Perl - June 25

Hey Mellymel---great news on pa__sing the glucose test!!! What a load off your shoulders that must be. So a 3 hour glucose twice huh? What torture. I had a bad enough time sitting in the lab waiting for a full hour--much less 3 hours--not looking forward to that. Keep doing what you're doing so you can pa__s again next time. To answer your question, my u/s will be at 20w 1d. Dr. said she likes to get it done at 17-20 weeks so yours seems to be within the right timeframe at 17w4d.


christa0120 - June 26

So...I went and bought a doll this weekend. ( a boy looking doll ofcourse), some Newborn diapers (too cute) and a couple of first stuffed animals for the baby. The doll is to help my son get used to holding, helping etc. I showed him how we put on diapers, DH showed him how to hold the baby so the head wont flop around (then he also showed him that the "baby" knows tae kwon do and proceeded to wrestle with it....ho hum, they just never grow up. Cute thing is DH would lay on the couch or on sons bed watching him play video games with the "baby" on his chest. Son is also telling every stranger he comes in contact with that Mom is pregnant and he is having a baby brother. The lady at the coffee shop, the Target name it, they all know. Since ultra sound I am a bit more ready for this or at least aclimating more to the Let us see how long this lasts. See you all later


Kristin72 - June 26

Hi Ladies, Just got back from my 19 week ultrasound. Baby looked great 10 fingers 10 toes..spine looked dates were dead on. At one point the baby was sucking it's thumb, then waving, then scratching itself (she joked and said that could be indicative of a boy ;) lol) It was too hard for her to determine the s_x as the baby was not positioned well :( . Probably for the best, atleast for the time being, because my boyfriend came with me to the ultrasound, and he did not want to know the s_x anyway. When he left the room to answere a phone call the tech told me she thought it "might" be a girl but could not say for sure.. I left with three pics..I kind of feel disappointed I do ot know the s_x yet..but oh well. I may consider going for the 3d/4d ultrasound at a later date as I don't think I have any more scheduled ultrasounds..atleast for a bit. Hope you are all having a great day...glad to hear you suonding upbeat Christa. Ciao for now ladies! Kristin


christa0120 - June 27

Mel...I love how you word things! LOL You have as much as a trucker mouth as I do...LOL


Kristin72 - June 27

Lol! You guys make me laugh! :)


annishel - June 27

hi everyone. anyone miss me :). I have been loaded down with projects and cant seem to even clean the dishes or anything. I keep getting these really bad headaches in the evening, but probably cuz I dont sleep enough. So you guys are all progressing, and I keep forgetting to call to make any appts... upcoming should be the AFP test and then the level 2... Glucose is at 24 weeks. What I am not forgetting is the LACK of movement I am feeling. ladies it is 18 weeks on thurs with 4th kid and I still feel nada zippo zilch. What are y'all feeling? Kristen hoping for you its a girl - you can name her toola from my big fat greek wedding or antonia :). Christa - glad to hear you are coming around. It can be tough - sometimes I cant even write the letters dh cuz I wanna be killing him - not that this is your problem.. Btw - my first child - a boy - was 7 when my 2nd was born. I was desperate for a boy since it was all I knew, and wanted him to have a friend and all that. Well we had a little girl and now she is 6 and totally amazing! And not to spook you guys out, but we were told with my son in the 20 week u/s that it was a girl, and only told that it was a boy at the 32nd week or something. My husband found out in the 20th week and kept the secret to himself the whole time that was WRONG. I never found out until birth, but was so convinced that it was a girl, I made midwife double check! Sorry for all that rambling. One last thing. I may cave and buy the cheapest doppler I can buy and afford with shipping (shipping alone is $30). Anyone hear anything about angelsounds? tata for now



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