Perl Amp Tryingx3 08 01 07
312 Replies
Hopeful - we elected not to do any "additional" testing...other than ultrasounds...and standard blood test, blood sugar, etc. My thyroid stayed hyper through pg but turned hypo after delivery. I took a med called PTU throughout pg for thyroid, but am off of it now and being monitored for hypo. We are hoping to keep me off of meds while b___stfeeding. I took 3mg (extra folic acid) and 1 baby aspirin during pg due to testing positive for a blood factor called MTHFR which can increase chance of clotting and also chance of heart attack and stroke (for me). Our 2nd pg failed due to extra 15 chromosome, but geneticist told us that our risk of having any other chromosomal problem (like downs) was no greater than anyone else our age (except on chromosome 15).
Trying: let me know when or if you go back to your normal shoe size and ring size. I'm really hoping to fit back into my shoes and my wedding ring too.It would be such a pain to have to get a whole new shoe wardrobe and resizing the ring would be difficult too for the style of ring I have. I was putting my hospital bag together and realized I didn't own a nursing bra or nursing nightgown. I went and bought some if not for the hospital at least for aftewards. Then I saw nursing pads which I've never seen before but figured I'd need some. They are cotton washable ones but I vaguely remember hearing about disposable ones. Trying, help me out here, what should I buy now?? Do I need to get my b___stpump now? What else for b___stfeeding? ***HOPEFUL: When are you going in for NT screening? I don't mind sharing results. I went for screeing my 13th week and found out during the ultrasound that the nuchal fold measured 1.2 mm (good) and baby's length was 62 mm. We got lots of great u/s pictures to take home with us from that day. There were several measurements of the nuchal fold but they averaged them to 1.2 mm then combined their data from the u/s with my blood test and the following week called me to tell me I had a "screen-negative" and my odds were 1: 1610 for DS and 1:4321 for the Trisomies. The genetic counselor who called me told me that the Dr. did not recommend the amnio based on my results and instead recommended that I go ahead with the AFP blood testing to check for other abnormalites that are not screened for in the NT scan and blood test. If my odds had been bad I probably would have considered the amnio just to prepare myself but it's hard to tell what I would have actually done. It's a tough call. ****SANN: sorry about the headaches. I didn't really have that problem and I would be tempted to try a little bit of Tylenol or caffeine but I'd check with Dr. first and then if okay I'd only use it sparingly. What I'm feeling almost everyday is baby hiccups more so than kicks. My dh likes to watch my belly when little Peter hiccups because my belly jumps up and down with each hiccup. I'm counting his movements every day which is something you and Hopeful have to start doing too at week 28. I can tell he's getting crowded and uncomfortable in my belly sometimes he tries to push right out of my skin or even worse he pushes down and it feels like my bladder is being used as a punching bag. ****My dh and I are going on the hospital tour tonight. Only six more weeks but somehow I feel like it could happen sooner.
BF - what I have learned! Target has some GREAT sports bras for nursing for $11! They fit smooth so you can still wear t-shirts, etc... Lansinoh disposable pads have worked better for me than anything else - washable only soak through for me, Gerber didn't work. I would wait to buy a pump after you decide if BF is something you are going to stick with and order one. Mine should arrive tomorrow. I ordered a Medela Pump in Style backpack off of ebay - $235 (new). I found out the day after I ordered it you can buy one from for $200 shipped. BOTH of these are great prices as around here to buy one in a store runs around $300 plus tax. Lansinoh also makes a cream to put on nipples - I also received something similar at the hospital...ask for it even if you don't need it at the hospital. It is a lanolin based ointment. Gotta run - Katie acting fussy tonight - could be a LONG night. Glad I got a nap today!
Trying: thank you so much for the recommendations for ointment, pads and pump. I just feel like I need to get everything done now but very good point on the pump especially since it's so expensive. Hope it didn't turn out to be too long of a night for you and Katie.
I bought an Advent manual pump to take to the hospital with me. Alot of women say it works very well, so I'm hoping that's true. I bought it for $40 at Babies R Us (ToysR'us). Too bad I couldn't try it out first. haha
Hello all! All is well with me at the moment apart from feeling tired as soon as I've had breakfast!! and back ache which even swimming doesn't seem to ease (seems to come on with walking!! Anyone else had experience of this?) Perl and tryingx3 - thank you sooo much for giving me your experiences of the NT scans etc. They're very helpful and I think I'm definitely making the right choice to try and avoid the amnio if possible. My general blood test results came back yesterday - all good (including the thyroid thank goodness - so my meds must be working!) and although my cholestorol is a bit high the doctor said that is normal for pregnancy and only need be monitored again when I've had the baby. I have another check on my thyroid nearer Christmas so that's good to keep track of everything. Other than that - my NT is on 23rd October when I'll be 13wks 1day. Looking forward to seeing the bean again then! Glad to hear all is well with you all despite not being able to wear your wedding rings or favourite shoes!! TTYL!
As for taking pump to hospital, might check and see if they have one on hand in case you need it. I would think the only reason you would need one in the hospital is if baby came early and most hospitals have one available in the nursery (you get your own shields, tubing, etc...charged to you of course) least that is how it works where I delivered. The recommendation is to only introduce bottle once baby is 4-6 wks old...I am planning on trying this week some time. Pump arrived today - pumped 3oz - might have my husband try the next feeding. BIG relief came this week - got into the daycare we were wanting - across the street from and ran by the business I work for! Hopeful - even with bad scoliosis I did not have back pain - a God thing is all I can say! You might try a sleeping with a pillow between your knees or a different one if you are using one. It helps with spine alignment. I had hip pain but it kind of came and went regardless of what I did - was pelvic bones widing. Best wishes ladies!! Katie was pretty good - up several times but not TOO fussy during the night - or maybe I am just getting used to it! ha ha
| COL - October 11 |
Good morning ladies, I never stopped reading this thread, but I am too lazy to post in more than one thread, and I am sure all of us read most of those common ones, so we are up to date with all the changes each one gone through. First, Tryingx3, congratulations on having the little Katie, I love the name. Perl, I hope you will get your little Peter on time, and we will be updated on your experience too. The info I learned in this thread is just amazing, I thought I know it all, : ) : ) : ) Kidding!!!! I am so clueless, and reading your experiences giving me comfort and a__surance that I should be fine with having a baby. Hopeful, I am glad you are doing well, as for the back ache, I use to have this, and my ND gave some kind of drops, they were like magic. Mine was part of my PMS, I use to be disabled, when they hit, but now I do not feel them at all. Mind you I always my mattress for any back pain, although this is my number 4 mattress, and all got blamed : ) : ) : ) : ). Sann, how are you doing? I did not hear from you for a long time now, hope you are doing fine. Thanks ladies for all the info, and please keep us posted, since I really feel related and attached to all of your stories. TTYL
COL - good to hear from you! I barely have time to read this post now! ha ha These past few weeks have been the hardest and most rewarding of my life. The people that say that really know what they are talking about. Just one look at her and we just melt...even at 3 a.m.!! :-)
HOPEFUL: Yes, I've had back pain all along--some days worse than others. I have been seeing a chiropractor and ma__sage therapist (after my 1st trimester) every 2-3 weeks. It' s too bad that walking or swimming bring no relief. Gentle walking helped me tremendously but you have to listen to your body and rest if you feel pain. Maybe you could benefit from yoga? That tired feeling comes back at the end of 3rd trimester and boy is it a strong sleepiness (or maybe it's just me because of the anemia). Savor your 2nd trimester bursts of energy, I wish I could get a burst of energy right now. ***Trying: Good point on the pump and waiting 4-6 weeks. I think I'll wait to get mine. They are easy enough to buy. Lucky you for finding daycare across the street from work. Now you can drop in or take a peek at your Katie during break and lunch right? What a good setup for you both. You sound like you are sooo in love with little Katie. Thanks for being so inspiring. I can't wait until I can bond that way with baby Peter and knowing that I will and hearing from you that it does happen gives me courage to go through these aches and pains now and later during labor & delivery too. ****COL: it's nice to hear from you. I'm learning a lot from this site too. : ) The information is great but the support from other women who understand me is the best part of this site. I'm curious about the drops your ND gave you. If you happen to remember what kind of drops they are, let us know. Feeling some Braxton Hicks coming on--gotta go walk a little and then sit back on a recliner and take my 2nd nap of the day. : ) ****Sann: do you have an update for us???
Perl - just read your "positive thought" post. Yaaay is right!! Well done you!! Also - thanks for your info on the back pain. Sorry to be such a lazy so-and-so but I've posted on the May, June and some TTC-ers (Part 2) thread today and would love to hear from anyone on this thread if they have any words of wisdom. Thank you all and I hope everyone is feeling well. Big Hugs and Belly Rubs to all. TTYL!!
Hopeful: can you call your Dr. on the egg-whitey mucous? It's probably nothing to be concerned about but it never hurts to ask right? The only discharge I've had has always been thin and whitish and according to my Dr. that's what it's supposed to look like. But there was one time that it looked different several hours after dh and I had intercourse-- I figured that was the reason for it because it only happens then. The thing is that the baby is protected doubly, first by the amniotic sac and second by your mucous plug that prevents anything from reaching your baby. Mucous plug plays a role in your pregnancy so that's why I say check it out with the Dr. even though you're probably okay. ****The pain on your side could be round ligament pain. I got it first on my left side and can't really describe how it felt--just really uncomfortable and like a pulling feeling. Later on I felt it a little on my right side too. It only lasted a couple of weeks for me. I'll bet that's probably what you are feeling.
Hi again Perl. Thanks so much for your advice about the pains and EWCM. The thing about the latter is that I've only seen it twice (weeks apart from each other) and each time it was only when I wiped once - that is, before and after there was nothing like that. So I'm hoping that it's nothing too drastic. I think I'll monitor it and if it happens again or for a longer period I'll definitely contact the doctor but for the moment I feel like I'm always at the doctor and I hate bothering them with trivialities especially as the rest of the time my discharge seems perfectly normal. I was probably panicking for nothing and just needed some rea__surance. Re. the intermittent pains - I just feel a sensation that something's happening "down there" so I suppose that can only be a good sign!! LOL! Anyway, only a week and a half til my next scan (NT) so we'll know for sure if all is going well then. Thanks again for your support - I hope you think I'm doing the right thing by waiting now that you have more details of the whole scenario.
Hi ladies : ) Looks like all are doing really fine : ) Sorry : ( I've been able to post as much .... my headaches were a "killer" .... according to my Gp, it was probably due "The Smog" ( "The Smog" is from Indonesia (i.e. Forest Fires started by farmers clearing their lands) ... b__wn by winds to other parts of SE Asia, making our skies hazy all day and polluting our air (the air is horrid "burnt odour" lingering all day and night). Tryingx3 --- Day care for little Kaite .... you're going back to already (women here .... take 3 months off work), time flies hah! How are doing physically ... got your energy back yet? How did you cope after delivery? Perl --- Sorry to hear of your discomfort ... hang in there. My headaches are almost gone ... big relieve : ) Thanks for the positive view on NT Screening. The doctor( Fetal Specialist) that's doing my amnio .... he's feels that I should go straight to amnio instead. He's evaluation was the ratio between maternal age and measurement would usually give a high "false positive" ... causing unneccessary worries and stress (since it's only a ratio). However, I do still have the option to go head with NT Screening though. *** I feel like ... We're seeing too many doctors, first there is my TCM physician, my ob/gyn c_m RE and now a Fetal Specialist c_m ob/gyn for amnio, we must be paranoid hah! *** RE : Back pain ... I have them too. Yes ... gentle walking helps and try stretching your back every few hours ... that helps too. Well said Perl!!!!! Yes ... "the sharing, the support and the understanding from other women is the best" : ) COL --- I doing ok : ) How about you? Update me : ) Hopeful --- Glad that all your test came back well : ) Great to hear that you have opted for NT Screening and may not have to do amnio which carries a 1-2 % risk of mc. We haven't decided on that (NT screen) yet since our doc isn't very keen ... he feels that actual testing would be more accurate that a ratio. Since he's the same fetal specialist c_m ob/gyn who delivered 2 of our nieces and a girlfriend's dd ... Dh and I are hoping we're making a right decision on doing amnio. Hugs and belly rubs : ) TTYL
Hi Sann - have responded to your post on the May, June TTC-ers Part 2 thread - hope you don't mind.
Sann - I am not going back to work until first of December. I can take up to 12 wks with family medical leave act - won't be paid for that time, but company can't fire me for taking off either! :-) I was on a waiting list for the daycare center and they just called this week. I had found another place, but really wanted her there as it is supposed to be good as well as close to me! As for recovery, mine was fantastic! Although, they say no 2 pgs or deliveries are the same, I would do both again! I was put in a "regular" hospital room about 10:00 p.m. at night and was up and going to bathroom by myself during the night and showered on my own the next morning. My biggest problem was fighting the stupid IV pole - they kept it hooked up in case I needed meds for infection. I had a fever during delivery, had to be st_tched due to tear and she pa__sed meconium just as she pa__sed through the ca___l. So...they kept IV hooked up just in rid of that early the next morning...since fever stayed down. I delivered on a Sunday evening and my husband and I took a walk on Wednesday - outside. My legs felt very wobbly - like no muscle tone, but I really felt the need to get moving. I think it was still medication in my system. I am down to only 8.5 lbs to go to be back to pre-p weight...can zip my "old" jeans, but bought a couple of larger pair to wear until I can get back into those and not look "tacky"! Except for lack of sleep, I feel good as new!