Any positive feedback on amnios would be great. I go in a couple of weeks to UAB which is one of the best hospitals in the south, but i'm very nervous. I'll be 39 when baby is born and my doc suggested this test. I guess the only reason i am really considering this is because i do want to know all is okay and if not i'll be better prepared, also another reason is hubby, he is i guess you would say "brittle diabetic", has juvenile diabetes and been in icu about 5 times in our 10 year marriage, and we also have a 3 yr old little boy. I guess what i'm trying to say is, i work full time, take care of little one, take care of hubby when he is not well and do not know how i would deal w/ taking care of baby if something was wrong, not trying to be selfish or insensitive just tired, scared, nervous, you name it. Also had hard time having son, lost 2 before him, had dnc, had left ovary removed, went thru h__l to have him, running up & down interstate w/ hubby's sperm between my legs, i swear it was like that movie "She's having a baby"...I've never posted on any forum before, sorry this is long i guess i'm looking for reassurance but i know that the final decision is mine....
Dee-Your family has been to hell and back. You have been through so much. You don't have to explain to anyone your reason for wanting amnio or any decisions that you and your husband would make pertaining to the results. It is not for everyone, but a personal choice. I had one in May for some of the reasons that you stated. I am having a healthy baby, thank goodness. I will be 45 when my son is born and I have had a really good pregnancy so far. 11 weeks left to go.
Tammy, thank you for your kind words, i'm not trying to sound like a martyr,(sp?), we all have our fair share of triumps and tribulations, i go to my doc today so i'm going to talk to her mor about the amnio. We do not have any sort of genetic issues on either side of our family, just hubby's diabetes. In my heart i feel all will be okay, would love for little one to have a brother or sister, i was an only child, hubby 1 of 4. Thank you and i wish you all the best in the world.
I've never ;posted on a forum before either but I wanted to let you hear my opinion of an amnio. I think you'll feel A LOT OF RELIEF WHEN ITS DONE! I just had mine 2 days ago and was very scared about it too. Scared of it causing a miscarriage and scared of a needle going into my abdomen (the discomfort was minimal and I just stared at the ceiling) Giving blood is more painful! My fear was worse than anything. I seem to be fine and I don't think I have any signs of complications from it. (Which my doctor said was very rare anyway) Of course, I'm still waiting for the test results which is the next hurdle of emotions but I am relieved I did the test and that helped reduce some of the anxiety. I was 37 when I had my other child and decided not to do any tests with him because I wasn't as fearful. He was perfectly healthy. If you want to hear another round of emotions...I had decided to have the CVS test instead of the amnio and went to the hospital for the test and they had to send me home because I was one of the 3% who's body just "isn't designed" to do that kind of test! So then I had to wait another month for this amnio. Anyway, I'm praying now that my results will come back with no problems. Good luck to you and whatever decisions are ahead of us are unique to our own lives.
I also tried to get a CVS. When I went they did they ultrasound and decided that the placenta was too close to my intestines to do it safely. So like you I had to go home and wait 3 1/2 weeks for the amnio. The 9 days that I waited for those results were the longest in my life. I was so releived with the results that I couldn't help crying.
Hi, I had a CVS at 12 1/2 weeks. It was nothing and everything is great. It did hurt a bit. I laughed and said thisis it! This is what women are so afraid of! I found out the s_x of my baby 3 days later. It was awesome! Do it!