i've got a very small amount of mucus discharge - same consistency as one might look for during ovulation. I'm only found one sight that discusses this and I'm thinking it's normal around 6 weeks (i'm more than 4 wks post-ovulation). There's no odor - no color or consistency to signal infection - no bleeding. Can anyone tell me if this is normal during pregnancy?
i'm pretty sure this is a pregnancy symptom, i have the same. as long as not horrible odour i think you're fine. if concerned check with doc. good luck
thank you sue ... it's really hard to get anyone to respond to questions like that - guess people are grossed out by it - but i don't see the doc until 02/28 and i seem to be making a career out of worry these days
I am 11 weeeks pg ( I am 38) and yes the discharge is normal. It is yor body developing your mucus plug,it was one of my first signs of being pg this time, with my 2 yr old DD I kept thinking it was my period about to start as I always felt "wet' down there! Just be forewarned, sometimes it may actually be alot!! But my OB advised me against panty liners---said they were a "breeding ground" for bacteria. Congrats on your baby!