Tips For Getting Pregnant Fast
118 Replies
hello all... Me and my fiance have been TTC for a couple months now. I've become very frustrated and I know these things take time. But it almost makes me feel like im a broken toy.. I know that sounds stupid. But he has twin daughters from a previous marriage that will be 4 this August. I love them to death!!! But I want kids of OUR OWN! I just wanted to say everyone's info was very helpful. Im going to try the vitamins and see if that will work.... Please pray for me!! I will keep you all posted. Its nice to know other women out there are going through the same thing as me.
JNW - Welcome to the group and I just wanted to tell you to hang in there. My fiance also have a set of twin boys they will be 7 next month. I'm sure of your age but I am in the same boat we are trying to have a child together as well but I am racing against the clock. I will be 41 tomorrow and he turned 43 in January. I know his ex didn't take any medicine and from what I know she drank hard liquor everyday up until they were born and she smoked weed. One his perfectly healthy and the other one has celbral palsy. He can run and jump and play but we have to help dress him. I just needed to vent about that. It really p__s me off we don't do anything like that and we can't conceive or we have to have the help with medicine. I shouldn't complain because I already have kids but I would love one more. Talk to you soon. Krissy68
Krissy68- Thank you... Its good to finally have somewhere to vent to other women that are going through the same thing. I have to tell u that i can't imgaine how i would handle it if there was something wrong with one of his twins because of his ex. it mush be very hard. Its hard for me jus to be nice to her because of how cold hearted she is. She stole alot of money from him and we had to take her to court MANY times over her not letting him see the girls because she doesn't like me. But anyways..... I will be 24 this Sept. and my fiance is 27. So I now we have time... Its just hard because I've wanted to be a mother for aslong as I can remember. And all my friends have kids or are preganant right now. We are going to keep trying and hopefully it will happen soon. we are getting married Sept.20th.2009 and i am soooooo excited!!!!!! It was good venting!! thnx for taking the time to read this. I will keep praying for u! hope to hear from u soon. God bless all!!!
JNW - How are you doing? You can vent to me anytime you need to. Maybe your fiance and my fiance ex's are related cause she act the same way. I wish she would just move out of state. You will be pg soon just hang in there and keep thinking positive. Talk to you soon. Krissy68
Hey girls I just wanted to give you all a quick update. My temp took a nose dive from yesterday 98.39 to 97.94 so I know AF will be here in a few days I will talk to you all later. Krissy68
Hey ladies I just wanted to give you a update AF found me at 3am. I will talk to you all later. Krissy68
Wow, i finally found somebody that's on the same boat as I am. Thanks. I'm 28 and my hubby and I have been trying for 6 months. We haven't tried everything as I have learned on this blog. this is the first time I hear about Robitussin, what is that for?
EValencia82 - It help with your cervical mucus. Welcome to the group. Krissy68
Does travelling on bike afftects the chance of getting pregnant?
I had a couple of problems also. That's why i couldn't conceive for over 2 years. My doc said i had less than an 8% shot. Can you believe it?
Anyway i did a bit of research and found this site. It made me pregnant within a month. :)
Anyway, see what you make of it... Just copy and paste this into your browser:
Hope it helps u as much as it did me
Jess x
hiya I'm 35 and trying to get pregnant with baby 3, I have a 12 and 13 year olds and would love baby3 with new hubby. I have not taken birth control since I was a teen and have had to use clomid both times before, I'm currently on my first round of 50mg and vitamins. The clomid worked first try both times before so fingers crossed its quick again....good luck to you all
hi all i looked up Robitussin to see what this was is at a cough mixture or have i really found the wrong thing. if it is how does it help please.
Chocmundcher, I asked the same question. There is an ingrediant in it, Guaifenesin. It has to have only this one, or get the generic. It helps to thin the CM so the spermies can swim better in it. Google it, very interesting. if you are low or on the dry side, Pre-Seed in a lub for conception.
I asked and looked it up as well and that's what I found out as well, that it thins the mucus, and all of this is interesting isn't it? I also saw that alot were taking the baby aspirin and of course I that was to help the uterus lining not become thin. I wouldn't have thought of any of this had I not read it on here, the aspirin tip is no good for me because I'm allergic but I'm going to try the Robitusin tip next cycle.
Baby dust to all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you ladies im willing to give anything a go. will try this on my next cycle.i have not read about the baby aspirin can you please tell me how much i would need to take. good luck to all of you.
Hi all! I've read through the threads and it's so nice to be able to talk with others in the same situation.
We've just started trying this month and not telling our family until we're pregnant has been hard! So finding this site and reading everyone's attempts and sucesses is a great feeling.
Lots of baby dust to everyone!!! I look forward to speaking with everyone.