89 Replies
COL ... ISA - I read our old thread ... thought I write here instead : ) COL - It's just a matter of time for you .... you're body is acting differently already, so the acupunture is definitely making a difference : ) Yayyyyyyy!!!! Your temps are up ... it's a good sign : )
Hey there all. Everything is fine with me - no real change except that I just got back from the doctor and, as I thought, it was too early to tell anything conclusive. (I'm only CD31 - 4weeks4days!!) She did a transv____al ultrasound and said that she thinks she can see something but it really is (quote) "incredibly early in the cycle so don't be disappointed". I am a little disappointed, of course, but at least she didn't give me anything to worry about!! (She did mention the small possibility of an ectopic and that I should keep tabs on any BAD pain but she wasn't really concerned - merely stating a fact and possibility to be ultra-safe - and I haven't had anything but slight cramps occasionally which she says is totally normal.) The only annoyance is that she now goes on holiday for 2 weeks so my next appointment isn't until 11th September. What a bummer - I was hoping she'd call me back next week! Thankfully my dad's visit lasts the next three weeks and so that will be a distraction from the wait. It's almost like going through the 2ww again!!! (LOL!!! I thought I was over all that when I got my BFP! LOL!) Anyway, I'll keep you posted on my symptoms etc. (which are still very minimal - just hunger, a feeling of 'stretching' in my abdomen, occasional hiccburps (!) and slight tiredness. No real nausea and certainly no b___b pain. So I think I'm the lucky one!!) Sann - I'm sorry to hear that you've had a spotting worry but it sounds like it was small and that you're staying calm. Well done! Try not to let it bother you and keep up the positive thoughts - it can only do you good! Mind you, it sounds like you're having to cope with a lot of nasty symptoms - no appet_te? I'm the complete opposite! I can't get enough! However, sometimes certain foods don't really appeal as much as they used to and I really have to think a bit about what will satisfy my hunger (starvation!! LOL!) MellyMel - thank you for your congratulations. Isa - welcome to the "lucky thread" and babydust to all ttc-ers. How are you all doing - lovemy3: any symptoms yet? Sorry about your BFN but at least you know it's not over - you've got plenty of time (not that you want it!!) to get the positive result on CD34/5. Can't wait to hear your news!! Hugs and Baby Dust to all!
Hi Girls! Glad to hear you are well. Sann, Sometimes woman just get a little brown spotting that doesn't last long. I had that with my first pregnancy and all was fine. Not too worry. Hopeful... still so early for dr to detect stuff, i wouldn't worry at all, alot of people wouldn't e ven know they are pregnant yet, so I think thats all that could have been expected. I think everything will progress just great! I guess the rest of us are just waitin' it out!! I feel really crampy. I will be surprised if this is the month, for some reason I don't feel pregnant but ya never know. My oldest dd's is on Sunday (test day) and my due date would be my b-day!! I guess I'm trying to not get my hopes up because it would just be so awesome. I found out I was pregnant with my second dd on my first dd's 5th birthday and we told her and it was so great, 2 positives on the her birthday- she'd be so excited, and then to be due on mine. I really hope so. Anyhow, don't want to get too excited at this point. ttyl XOXO
| COL - August 22 |
HI Girls, hope evrybpdy is doing well, how the pregnant ladies are doing? :):):) all sound to be in good shape. lovemy3 , wow thats a very good timing :):):) i hop it will work fine this time too:) **** my update , hmmmmm, nothing :) :) it 6dpo for me. Sann, i hope the acupuncture will do the trick. i really cant wait for the day that i would say i am pregnant. i have been waiting for this moment for 20 years, and i pray for god to make it happen soon. i wish i did something about it earlier, now i feel i am racing with time, and trust me girls its very hard. God bless you all. TTYL
| isa - August 23 |
Col keep your chin up. Sann keep us posted, I think everyone is right as long as its not clumping red clots and back pain you are in the normal range. I got the test results back today on my ecg and renal u/s and all was ok. I meet the fertility doc at the end of the month, then sit down with dh and decide if we are doing the ivf thing or not- I hate the idea of all that money but it will be the only way to see if I have any eggs (for those that arent familiar with my case I was diagnosed as a mosaic for turner's syndrome- one of which the problems can be infertiltiy,no eggs, poor eggs and early menopause.) since I am only 20% cells turner's they dont know what tissues or organs are affected. Due to age factors and dh factors and the Turner's docs have both said go to ivf. Natural pg is possibly but highly unlikely due to the missing chromosome.
Good morning girls. Gosh, talk about your mind playing tricks on you....last night saw the test just sitting there.....couldn't resist although am just 26 days (yesterday) so I take the test, I get a little excited because I think I see like a shadow of a line. Right where it should be, I even go next door and ask my neighbour who is my friend. She thinks she sees it to. My dh says he sees nothing. Anyhow, go to bed hopeful and sure it will be there in the a.m. test this a.m and absolutley NOTHING for sure. Not even what I thought I saw the night before. Totally annoyed with myself, waste of 2 tests! Anyhow, I'm taking a pledge, no more testing till Sunday!!lol. Hope all is well with you all. Have a great day!!
Dear lovemy3 - so sorry about your tests. It's horrible when you get your hopes up like that and then they're dashed. All I can say is Don't Panic and remember that it was you yourself who said that you haven't shown a positive in the past until really late in your cycle. Stop wasting those tests!(LOL!) No, but seriously, I know exactly how you feel - I'm a REALLY impatient person and I can't stand it when I have no control over speeding things up so I'm sure I'd be the same. In fact, I was the same really - in that I took my test on CD29 when I didn't really know when to expect my period. I was just lucky my HCG levels were high enough! So keep your chin up and try to be patient like you've resolved to be. TO ALL - my update: well, my day today has been a very strange one. After my appointment at the doctor yesterday I had to keep telling myself that there's nothing to worry about coz it's too early. However, being the impatient type (LOL!) I still can't stop being disappointed that I didn't see anything. Also this morning I didn't seem to have any symptoms and that put me into a flat panic. I ended up being really tearful and really quite paranoid and neurotic about how the pregnancy is going. I can't stop worrying that I'll miscarry again and that something is wrong with me because my symptoms are so few and because I have no real 'proof' that I'm pregnant. Also the 3ww until my next appointment doesn't help my impatience or paranoia AT ALL! I'm hoping that this reaction is simply something to do with hormones and I have rationalised as much as I can. Also as the evening has worn on today, my hunger seems to have returned and my b___bs feel a little tender. (How ridiculous to feel comfort from feeling uncomfortable! LOL!) Anyway, I'm calmer than I was but I hate the fact that I'm being so paranoid. Any words of wisdom or encouragement would be GREATLY appreciated from anyone. Thank you for being there and for all your wonderful support. How is everyone doing today? Well I hope. Speak to you all again soon.
Sorry - forgot the baby dust for Col, isa, cyndi_h and KD so here it comes with a vengeance!!! -:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:- -:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:- -:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:- -:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:- -:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:- -:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:- -:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:- -:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:- Sann - sorry not to have included you by name in my latest case of verbal diarrhoea. How are you doing today?
..................oh and lovemy3 - just to confirm - your baby dust came by way of the unspoken variety in my reply to you. Sorry! I think I'm just digging myself into a hole and should go to bed!!!!! (LOL!LOL!LOL!) -:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:- LOTS OF BABY DUST TO YOU -:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:- The pressure's getting to me - aaaaaargh!
Hi Hopeful, I just remember how I felt 2nd time around being a paranoid freak..and never truly believeing my pregnancy would "stick". Even now I sometimes can't believe it will still come true. In the beginning of this pregnancy I went to see three doctors (my OB my GP and an ON-Call doc)..I went to a walk in clinic to double check rising HCG levels plus had a confirmation of pregnancy with blood work. I had some spotting (very light) at 6 weeks and again and 9 weeks both times off and on and only when I wiped. All of which were no cause for concern...(but try telling that to a woman who had just lost her pregnancy at 3 1/2 months I remember many times not having any true symptoms until later 8 weeks I kept forgetting I was actually pregnant...I felt like I had not symptoms at all. At 10 weeks I ordered the doppler which was my best friend for rea__surance in this pregnancy..I just felt and feel so connected every time I here the little ones is just amazing. Truly, the only thing you can do in the meantime is get another HCG done..request it because of your past..that is what I did. Doubling levels are the key. After the 6-7 week mark they should be able to see the fetal pole the yolk sac and a flashing heartbeat..but before that time an ultrasound would show only a pinhead ;) Hopeful I have never met a more optomistic person in my life and second time is the charm..that is the way I feel. The chances of something going wrong this time are alot less than the first experience. I wish you all the best with your little bean...I truly knew in my heart you would have early success!! Try not to worry..and take the best care of your life..And don't forget to take your prenatal vitamins!! Ciao for now! Kristin :)
Hopeful....try not to worry. It is still early for symptoms I think. Try and relax and not to overthink. I know its hard to do though. My friend got her positive this am and that was exciting and I wished I had of too. Hang in there!
Dear Kristin and lovemy3. Thank you so VERY much for your rea__surances. They really help me to feel better and I know you are both voices of reason so your opinion is highly valued in my book. Kristin - thanks for suggesting the HCG test. Unfortunately, the doctors where I am don't seem to do them (I didn't get any last time either) and tend to rely on the "wait and see" approach in the early stages in that regard. However, the v____al ultrasounds seem to get done at every appointment (every 3 weeks or so) so it is possible to see the bean more often than it seems most people do. Since I wrote earlier today I've been feeling very "sensitive" in my abdomen and lower pelvic area and have slight lower back pain so I'm pretty sure the pregnancy is still 'active'. I'm also feeling exhausted (that's not really surprising is it?!!LOL!) so I really ought to take myself to bed! It's a great comfort to hear that I'm not the only one to have only a few symptoms so early on. Thank you for making that clear to me. Don't worry - I've been taking my prenatals ever since I started ttc-ing last year (no break after mc) so I think all that is in order too. Thank you so much for your kind words and positive opinion of me. I know that when I do go to the next appointment that I'll be in my 8th week so I have every chance of seeing the heartbeat so I'll keep that in mind and as a goal for the next few weeks. By the way - I read your post about names. It looks like you've got loads of possibilities already but if you're looking for something with a particular meaning or derivation I really recommend the following websites: or because you can search for names from all sorts of angles. Hope that helps. Oh and I hope the headaches are subsiding too.
Hi all, Kristen ...Glad to hear your b/p was good. Its around 28 weeks that preeclampsia can set in so that was great news to hear!! Hopeful....glad to hear you feeling happier. Really at this point so many have no symptoms, try not to stress. Thats different you have v____al u/s but they are reluctant to do bloods. What country are you from? I am having lots of cramps and expect af to be there every trip to the bathroom, but nothing yet. I do feel a little nervous at the thought of a positive with my past history of preeclampsia, gest diabetes and sections coupled with the fact that I am at my heavirest weight which is heavy- probably 90 overweight!! With my other I was 60 lbs lighter at conception. Anyhow, glad you guys are well, see ya later.
| isa - August 23 |
Hopeful you sound like a woman with raging hormones -isnt it wonderful - I wish I could say mine were too but I'm only 5dpo. More and more looking like we'll have to do ivf. I so desperately want to feel a baby growing inside of me. It doesnt help that a close relative just had her 2nd in the time I've been trying and a friend had one within a day of my relative. My cousin had preeclampsia with her baby and delivered over 3 weeks early but mom and baby are fine now. It seems to be very popular thing happening these days on the baby shows too. I wonder why.Its so great thou we have all this monitoring though to help us through it if it happens. Lovemy3 I'm sorry you got a bfn. I dont even buy poas. I cant afford it. Here they are $16/each. I chart and it tells me around cd 21-24 if its a bust or not so its free. Hope you get a bfp in the next few days though -tons of baby dust your way.
| Val - August 24 |
Sann, Col and Isa - I found you! Sorry for the delay... it's been a crazy week and then this morning my phone wouldn't work so I couldn't log on! Anyway, my ttc summary - age 36, trying for 10 cycles (?) since mc last August. On 3rd/final month of Clomid, and starting progesterone this month since my 7dpo test came back low (8.8) last cycle. Oh, and I'm on cd7 today. Sending good thoughts out to everyone, and congrats to HOPEFUL on the bfp!
Hey there everyone. Val - hello! Nice to meet you at last. Many thanks for the congrats. I'm sending babydust your way and hope you get your bfp soon. -:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:- lovemy3 - What a pity it's not possible to rea__sure oneself because you did such a great job with me and now you're worrying! Please try not to. Of course, it's understandable that you're concerned that you'll have the same problems as last time but you may not and you have to think like that to give your new baby the best chance. I too was worried about weight (I've got an underactive thyroid and weight is difficult to shift) so I go swimming 3-4times a week and it's so relaxing and also great for you. I can really recommend it for toning up and building up stamina for the impending birth! Try it and you'll see. Much luck over the next few days that AF doesn't come and that BFP does! -:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:- isa - yes I'm sure you're right about the hormones. How delightful!! As for you - I really hope that you and dh soon find a way you're both happy with to make your dreams come true. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. -:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:- SANN - WHERE ARE YOU? Hope all is well - give us some updates! and baby dust to all others -:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:--:¦:-•:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:-•. •:*¨¨*:•.-:¦:- To all: As you may remember, my dad arrives today and I'm sure that I'll be very busy over the next few weeks. I will do my VERY best to check in here whenever I can (I'll definitely try and read your posts at least!) but please forgive me if I disappear for a while. I'm not ignoring you! (LOL!!) and I'll be back soon, I promise. Big Hugs to all!!!