you get sooo excited that your expecting and then your start worrying about everything. What if i lose this baby, how do i know if the heart beat is fine.? i am 14 weeks and soo worried almost like i am afraid of being happy. I guess the worrying never stops. Now i am wondering if i should buy the doppler but then i think let just whatever God wants happen. Does anyone know what actually causes you to lose a baby after your three month period?
I don't know about miscarriages, but see the thread on baby dopplers. You can rent one from Babybeat.com. Best money I've spent! It definitely helped ease my fears. Good luck! I'm sure everything's just fine!
the pez chick
with your doppler is hard to use or find heart beat?
Annabanana, the chances of losing a baby after 14 weeks are lot less (like less than 5%) than in the first trimester. I think once you have even heard the heartbeat the chances are only 15% and those stats are in your first trimester again. You're right whatever God wants to happen will happen..and it truly is up to the little bean inside. If the little one is chromosonallly o.k. your chances are very good you will go on to have a healthy pregnancy. When was your last ultrasound? What was the feedback been from your tests so far? I just ordered a doppler myself. I am anxious to try it out..for me it will give me some re-a__ssurance that the heart is still beating..and that is the only thing we can go by..when we ponder the health of our babies.
I am sure you will be fine..and Congrats for making pregnancy this far you have surpa__sed most...that is just great!!