Okay by the date of my last period which was sometime in March. They are guessing my due date at Jan 5,2009 which puts me around 17 weeks, they will not do a sonogram until they think i am 20 weeks which they set for august 20. But I am almost positive I am at least 20 weeks already.(this is my 2nd) I feel the baby moving all the time no kick or anything like that just alot of swooshing and bubbles. Am I going crazy?? Any suggestions would be helpful
If you don't mind me asking, why do you think you are 20 weeks rather than the 17 according to lmp? Is it the movement that makes you think you're further or was your lmp very short and lite?
my last period was patchy about 3 days of lite spoting and with my son i still had my period until I was 4 months preg. The systems that I have already had and the movements that i have had for about 3 weeks now make me feel even more like i'm further along. I took a PT in March and April finally got a BFP in May. But the same thing happened with my son as well I didn't test postive the first time either.
Well unfortunately they'll likely still go by your lmp. It's so hard to be patient and wait for those things I know. I guess you will find out eventually huh? I got my first ultrasound done at 15 weeks 3 days and everything was measuring almost a week ahead. I felt somehow I had conceived earlier than my lmp said; not by much, but hey I was right!
I guess you will just have to wait for your scan and tell them "Ha! I was right" you should also know the s_x by then too. Good luck.