Has anyone else had confusion w/ their due date. According to my LMP (11-18-04) I thought my due date was Aug 24...when I went in for my ultrasound this past Monday they moved my due date up to Aug 17. I am very positive about the date of my lmp. Now I don't know what to say my due date is!
It just has something to do with the time you ovulated also, because my lmp was Nov.28 and they originally gave me the due date of Sept 5 I believe it was, but then they bumped it up a week to Aug. 31.
sometimes they go by the measurement of your baby. how many weeks are you?
from my LMP my due date was 8/2 then on my first u/s they changed it to 7/29 then on the second u/s they changed it to 7/28 but on my last u/s which I was 20 weeks they changed it again to 8/3. But I know exactly when I ovulated and I think its closer to the end of July. Well see I guess.
*nodding* I agree with Beth and Monica... I taught my due date was correct, but when they did the measurements of my babies head on Tuesday it was 18weeks 1day... I taught i would be 19 weeks on Friday, but I guess my due date is bumped up a little.
with my first baby i kept getting different due dates at almost every appointment. it was frustrating. ultimatly, the only way to really know when a baby is due is to wait untill it comes out. not much help, but thats my experiance. now with baby number 3 i'm telling people that it's due in early september rather than give them my estimated due date.
| La - April 1 |
Do you normally ovulate b4 or after your period? And if it were b4 would you still get that last period? my LMP began on 12-14-04 and lasted for 5 days. I also had a blood test done jan5 which came back neg.. and a hpt come up pos on the 26th.. is it possible to have gotten preg b4 my lmp? has anyone had a blood test come back neg when it should have been pos?