Fetal Movement-pg12051816857
7 Replies
Hello everyone, I am new to this site and I have a question that hopefully some of you can help me with...
I am 23 weeks pregnant and i was just wondering how often you should feel the baby move at this stage?
I first felt my baby at around 19.5 weeks, a little more stronger and frequent around 21 weeks but the past 4 days I have only felt the baby move around 3-5 times a day and it's very light? I am a little worried, my mom said that as long as I feel it at least once a day everything should be ok but I was wondering if any of you had any advice??
I really think you and your baby are fine. The babies are going through a lot of growing at that stage so they are getting into more of a sleep/awake pattern. Also the larger they get the less room they have to move around :) I worried about this with DD #1 then went and ate a lot of Spicey food and sure enough she was kicking all over the place :) Hope this helps!
I had a hard time feeling mine really often, too. I have an anterior placenta, though, so that's part of it. My midwife said that as long as you feel the baby at least once in 24 hours than things are probably just fine. The only time you should worry is if you notice the movement really decrease from what's normal for you with this pregnancy. Trust your instincts-- they're usually right. :)
Thanks ladies, I tend to worry A LOT lol which Im sure everyone does...After I posted this this morning I have felt the baby more today than in the past 3 days but very very light. I googled my problem and found this site where like 40 other women commented about the same thing so I think im fine. If i feel less than 3 movements at different times of the day I think I will go in - I am going in for a 3D ultrasound on friday so I hope everything looks good. My last ob appointment was on the 3rd and everything looked good then although, baby was more active I just hope everything is still going good! It just seems like I worry about every little thing!
I would still like to hear what anyone else has to say....
Hey red87 - well i am just 19 weeks and i have only felt "momement" onece - b___terflies on night while watching TV. I havent felt anything since, but I feel fine, still hungry as always and my baby bump is slowly starting to show - and as this is my first one maybe I just dont know what i should actually be feeling? Anyway as a self proclaimed stress head I am doing everything in my power to NOT stress at this time if at all possible haha. I have another ultrasound next week so I will get to see my bubble then - which i feel is going well even though I havent felt much yet? :) Hope that makes sense?
So last I wrote in here, the baby had been really inactive for about 4 days, then REALLY active for about 4 days, now she is back to being very inactive where I only feel her 4-6 times a day, I do believe she is ok but I just get worried I love feeling her constantly lol! I went to one of those 3D ultrasounds on friday which was soo cool, her heartbeat was 150 which is normal for her, she looked so perfect so I think she is well! I also saw that i really only feel her when she gives a good kick, when she is just waving her arms around and stuff I cant feel her so I guess she is probably moving around more than I can feel her.
The ultrasound tech said that the placenta was lying at the front of my uterus...where is it normally located??
red87 - baby movement this early on is so inconsistent I am sure everything is fine you usually start kick counts at about 27-28 weeks I usually feel my daughter alot during the day she is the most active baby I have ever carried but somedays she is mellow - I usually don't sweat it too much - just try to relax