Sick, thats right, i got the flu and have no voice... and loosing my mind cuz i dont know of anything i can do to make me feel any better.. I need some suggestions or something to make me have some energy for work yikes tomorrow.... plz help i feel like i could explode... also gettung rest is almost impossible i have a 21 month old son to chase lol...hope you can help..
Our son is 4 months old today and when I was in my 2nd trimester I got the diagnosed influenza. It was horrible. I called my OB and was told that Tylenol is perfectly safe. There have been dozens of studdies done over the years, and all have determined it is safe to take during pregnancy. Take 800mg during the day ever 6 hours, and at bedtime you can have 1000mg of Tylenol PM. I did this for 5 days straight when I was sick, with no problems. Another thing I would recommend is saline nasal spray. It helps with the congestion and will make your nose feel better. You want to use it 3-4 times a day. Especially right when you get out of the shower. It is just saline, with no medication, so that too is safe. I hope I helped. Feel better.
i asked my doctor about what meds i could take when i started getting a little sick and she said pretty much anything tylenol makes for cold and flu or anything is safe to take while pregnant. feel better =)
went to my doctor with the flu and they prescribed me a medicine called Lortab which is Hydrocodone and acetaminifin (tylenol) and they say it is perfectly safe for me and baby! Feel better!