Anyone else having hot flashes? Every time my family hugs me they say I feel really hot to them and I love to sit in front of the A/C always. We went out of town just this Friday and at the hotel I had the A/C on 65 and was loving it! I mean it was a tiny bit chilly, but for the most part I was really comfortable. Hopefully I'm not the only one who's rosey cheeked all the time lol. Oh yes and I'm only 13w5d right now.
lol Im 36 weeks 1 day and Im sooooo hot! man, I could live in the freezer! I guess it doesnt help that Im in arizona nad its around 100 degrees outside, yuck... I hope it gets better for you!
I am 30 weeks 3 days and have been overheated from the start. If I had it my way my husband and daughter would be bundled in winter clothes so I could turn the AC down to 65 degrees. We set it for 68 at night and I am still too hot. I live in Washington state, just south of Seattle. We only have hot weather about 2.5 to 3 months out of the year, but I will always have a home with airconditioning.
I have hot flashes i even sleep above the covers!
hey teddy im not even in second tri lol still in first and i get hot flushes all the time and in england its not even that hot lol it just comes and goes and i cant sleep under the covers either but sometimes i get the oppisite and get really cold
I've been back and forth, the other day i was boiling and rozy cheeked all day long, then within a matter of 10 minutes i was absolutely freezing. How frustrating this is! Still i'de rather be hot than cold, my boyfriend thinks it's wierd, but i love hot weather.