I will be 23 weeks pregnant tomorrow and for the past few weeks I have been felling this pulsations in my bladder. I have had 2 urine cultures to test for a bladder infection and both came back fine. The feeling is as if someone if flicking my bladder thus giving me the feeling that I have to go RIGHT NOW. I will go to the bathroom and feel that my bladder is full five minutes later. The thing is I will actually go five minutes later. It's not as if I just have the urge, but I really go. I thought it might have been the baby pressing o my bladder, but now I am not so sure. My ob said that I could see a urologist, but that since my 2 tests came back fine, he just thinks it's from the pregnancy. I am starting to get a little worried. Anyone else have or had this????
I have had this for a little while but I'm 36 weeks now. It is quite possible to be getting elbowed/kneed/punched/kicked in the bladder at this point. Sounds like it's probably a normal happening. Get used to it girl! Good luck.