I would like to bounce this off some of you ladies here at the forum. I am on my second pregnancy. I am 13 weeks and for the past few weeks I have been so miserable. I was telling my husband that I miss my life before I had kids and I sometimes feel like not having this child. I feel like such a horrible person for feeling this way, but l feel like I just can't deal with everyday situations. Simple situations (like my 18 month whinning) just gets to me and I have no patience. my husband says it is the hormones that are doing this but I am not solely convinced. I work full time and come home and just feel overwhelmed. Have any of you other moms felt this way? I am just wondering if this is b/c I am pregnant and trying to take care of a toddler. I wanted children so badly and had to seek help for both of them, you would think I would be over the moon with joy, but I can't explain it. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Jal, what you are feeling is normal. Kids at that age are tough and adding another one to the mix is not going to be easy. I have a 2 y/o and i'm 17 weeks with my 2nd. It took a lot of soul searching to decide we wanted to try for another one as i'm so overwhelmed most of the time as it is.
I don't know how things are in your house but in order to keep my sanity and get my rest i just tell my dh that he needs to take our dd out of the house for a few hours or that i'm going to do something with friends on a certain night and he will have to stay home with her. This way i can get some time to myself.
Next time you see your doctor you should mention how you feel. Don't be ashamed to admit you are unhappy. He or she should be able to work with you to get though this or at least refer you to someone who can. good luck.