Ok, I just went through one of the WORST pains of my life. I woke up at about 4:30am with my back hurting on one side. I thought I slept wrong, so I tried to rub it out..didn't help, I had to wake my husband up cause the pain just kept getting worse! Well, went to the Urgent care and they said it was a Kidney stone. For 12 hours I was in COSTANT pain. Talk about a pain thats close to the ammount of pain during labor...this is it! NOTHING helped, I was even given tylenol with codein which I was recluctant to take but the pain got SOOO bad I would have tried anything. I was even sick to my stomach the pain was bad. I feel for ANYONE who has experiences kidney stones. Does anyone know if they are more common during pregnancy? This was my first stone, and I KNOW I should have been drinking more water. My new advice, DRINK YOU WATER!! Luckily the stone passed, and I'm almost back to normal (just tired). Anyway, anyone else experience these during pregnancy??
Preggo -I had one at 17 weeks it was awful - I was in so much pain they gave me dilauded (narcotic) and then sent me home with vicodin - I took it sparingly so I could cope with the pain - both my OB and the ER doctor a__sured me that I would be fine - my ultrasound didn't show anyhing weird so.....I have been a water drinking fool since...
Yeah, I'm just over 18 weeks and I'm sooo scared that I'm doomed to get more stones. I just can't imagine going through that again. At least after labor you get a beautiful little baby, With a stone all you get is the pain and then a stupid little pebble to show for it. Luckily I guess mine pa__sed pretty fast, although 12 hours didn't seem fast. I've heard that drinking lemonade or OJ along with water will also help in preventing them. Here's hoping thats the first and LAST one I'll ever have!!
i never had stones... but what i do experience is this... around my 7 month my uterus pinches off the tube that runs from my kidney to my bladder. so what that ends up doing is shutting down my kidney. they put a stent inside to open up the tube. but the last pregnacy my body rejected it so ig ot super sick. i was on demeral for the pain. so now this is my 2nd pregnancy. im 22 weeks 2 days and i already am having kidney pain. so i am preparing my self for what will happen here in the next 2 months. but like preggosauce said, in the end you have a beautiful baby. so it makes it seem like it never happened.
oh god do i feel your pain, im not pregnant but ive pa__sed a stone..at home. alone. w/no meds. i thought i was dying, i thought i had burst an intestine or something but i was too scared to go to the hospital, stupid, i know. my grandmother has had 2 stones and 2 kids and she said the stones are WORSE! i wouldnt wish kidney stones on my worst enemy. im so sorry you went through that pregnant!