Not Immune To Rubella German Measels
2 Replies
My doctor has determined through blood tests that I am not immune to Rubella ( although I was vaccinated for it as a child ) My blood has no antibodies to this disease. At first he said it was not a big deal and I should just avoid 3rd world countries if travelling and to stay away from children with rashes. Strangley enough there is now a Rubella outbreak in a town about 10 mins away from me. Just wondering if anyone has any experience or knowledge about this issue. I looked it up on the net and it can be very harmful to the fetus if the mom contracts this disease, sometimes resulting in having to terminated the pregnancy. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
Melissa, I'm sorry to hear about your distress. Did you ask your doctor about how soon you could get another vacine? Something that I do, because my doctor is worried about my immune system also, is carry around a little bottle of Purell Hand Sanitizer in my purse. I also keep a large bottle in my kitchen at home. I use the little one when I'm out shopping, use an ATM, or use the washrooms in any public building. I'm 14 weeks and so far it's helped greatly to avoid colds and flu bugs. I hope this little idea might help you also. I wish you the best, and Good Luck.
lily, my doctor says that i can not get immunized while i am pregnant. i will try the hand sanitizer idea. I have some of that here, so I think I will get another one and put it in my car.