Not Sure About This Gender Prediction Stuff
1 Replies
| C - May 11 |
I have checked out some sites on gender prediction and I would just really like to know from any of you just how accurate this stuff is....I mean I go to one site and it says girl and another it says boy. I even spent $15 at this one site too...but I am not sure I believe in this stuff, I mean really - they have a 50/50 chance at being right. How many times are they successful, anyone tried it and it was right OR wrong???
I think this gender prediction stuff is just a bit of fun, and should never be taken seriously. You certainly shouldn't have to pay for it. The outcome can only ever be 50/50 because if a trained doctor can't even be 100% sure of the s_x when looking at an ultrasound, how is anyone going to get it right by looking at the shape of your bump, lines on your palm or waving a needle over your hand, etc ?