Last night i was feeling soo soo sick...at work I tried eating an oreo and felt like puking ( I haven't had morning sickness at all through this pregnancy ) and then I got home from work around 10pm so hungry so I made some cream of brocoli soup and after eating that I felt like throwing up too...but never did, I just felt really sick. Well its the next day and I feel a bit better...it was just weird thats all. Oh and I am 14 weeks and 2 days pregnant.
It is normal to have days where you don't feel so good, even when you never had morning sickness in the beginning.
I was just really scared...I almost went to the hospital cause I was freaked out and thought I was having food poisoning or something.
Bilmes, I had more than one occasion where I ate something and then had violent stomach cramps and diarrhea that lasted an hour or more. I was so scared that I called the doctor each time and they just told me to stay hydrated. Each episode pa__sed pretty quick and all is fine as I'm about due. I'd watch it and if it lasts for a long time (12 hours or more) then call your doctor.