Only 21 Weeks Braxton Hicks Contractions
4 Replies
I'm only 21 weeks and 3 days pregnant and am experiencing some braxton-hicks contractions.Is this normal?
| :) - March 6 |
yes your fine ...unless you experience more than 4 per hour ,have menstrual like cramps or bleeding then be sure to notify your doc,but otherwise your fine some people even experience these before 20 weeks though after 20 weeks is usually when people notice them most...your uterus naturally contracts even when you are not pregnant just some people feel these more than others hope ive answered your questions,congrats and god bless you and your baby!
Thank you :).They stopped now.I was just so worried.I was like NO this baby can't come now it's too early!
| :) - March 6 |
lol yea no problem, i had the same thing,soo dont worry bout i t:)
Thank you I feel better now, know that I'm not the only one! *Wipes forehead*..Lol.!