Please Read This I Need Advice
4 Replies
hi I have a question I went to my regular doctors appt. on Tuesday and my doctor told me that Iam not messuring right I thought I was truning 21 weeks but he said Iam messuring 23 weeks ok this is the thing for the past 2 weeks I feel the baby moving around all the time my question is this it seems that my baby like hanging out on my right side of my belly and it gets really hard is this normal i would like to hear from you all thanks
Have you had your u/s? I went for mine at 20 wks and the baby was hanging out on my left side and the head was by my belly b___ton, feet way down. On my right side was the placenta and this huge black hole where she said eventually the baby will get bigger and fill the hole. I also only was wondering why I never felt anything on the right, well seeing it on the u/s answered my q's.
As far as measuring, I had a u/s at 9 weeks and the baby was measuring exactally with my dd, then on the u/s at 20 weeks the baby was measuring 19 weeks but my routine apt the following day the dr measured me to be a full 22 weeks. This left me very puzzled. But we are still going with my original dd, and saying the baby is just little at this point. I think that maybe since i'm not stick thin to begin is why I'm measuring a little further, thats my opinion though not the dr's.
I hope this helps.
| PP - April 14 |
I am measuring large and my baby is constantly on the left side. I have never felt anything right of my belly b___ton and I am getting kicks all the time on the left. During my last ultrasound the baby was head down and feet to the left. I am 26 weeks.
I am 17 weeks, and baby is always on right side, sometimes pokes himself out and yes, I get this big hard lump sticking out my right lower abdomen! Until they get bigger they tend to snuggle in one side of the uterus. :-)
cool thanks so much Iam having my sonogram done today iam so excited
I'll keep you guys posted