how can u prevent or get rid of stretch marks?? I am 4 months and started to get them on my stomach pretty bad, and they ITCH! I have the some Palmers lotion but it does't seem to be helping much..
I don't know if there is really anything that you can do to prevent them, I have heard that if your mother has them then you will more then likely get them too. I am using Coca B___ter lotion.
yea that is what i am using, the brand is just Palmer.. My mom got them really really bad.. shewww I dread this part.. but its gonna be worth it
Yeah it is all worth it, and it is not like anyone has to see your stomach, unless you want them too.
The best you can do is lotion up at least 2x a day. I have heard the Biotherm brand (a little expensive) is good and it even decreases the appearance of existing stretch marks if they are under 6 months old.
I was told to try Body Shop cocoa b___ter stick, some people seem to swear by it!