This Might Sound Really Stupid
2 Replies
| KD - April 15 |
But can pants with a tight waistband hurt the baby... I mean, they are maternity pants (I think they are called demi-panel), but I guess I am outgrowing them and find them a little uncomfortable. Can't really take them off at work, though, and it has me worried.
I don't think it can hurt the baby if they are just snug and not cutting your circulation off. However, it can cause indigestions issues. That's what I have read anyway.. I hope this helps.
They can't hurt the baby, but they can make you pretty grouchy. Lots of maternity pants (the ones with the funny looking tummy panel) have drawstrings so you can let them out as your belly enlarges. If you're on a budget, look for them at the thrift store. That's where I got mine.