I am almost 5 months pregnant. And they just found something "abnormal" with my thyroid. They ran more test today but I wont get the results until Monday. I never had trouble with it before. Has anyone had this happen to them?
At my 1st OB appt. my OB felt my thyroid and said it felt abnormal. He sent me for an ultrasound and it showed cysts and nodules. I had another ultrasound 6 weeks later to make sure they werent getting any bigger. I have to continue to have ultrasounds to keep up on them.
I got a blood test and they said it was abnormal and sent me too my regular dr and they are doing more blood test.
With my first baby, I had an abnormal blood test, and ended up going on medication throughout the pregnancy. it helped me a lot with the tiredness and I didn't know better and went off after the baby was born, and ended up having ppd-like symptoms and have since been on the medication. I'm due now with my second and am still on the meds. I notice a huge difference when I miss a dose, and I feel better when I'm on it for sure. It's also important for the baby to have your thyroid regulated. Hope you get your test results back soon.
My test came back normal. Thats a relief
your thyroid is no big deal. i am hypothyroid meaning my levels are high, but my thyroid isn't producing as it should...it's really confusing trust me lol. anyway, when you're pregnant, the baby puts a strain on your thyroid while it is making its own so it can cause a woman's thyroid to be underactive and you may need to take a synthetic hormone for it during pregnancy, but if you do, don't worry. it's no big deal. i've been taking it for over a year and all i've noticed is i'm not as tired as before and you actually can lose a little weight from it. your doc will probably continue to test every month or so just to make sure you're still doing well. an problematic thyroid can cause all sorts or problems for women including heart disease, so you may need to have it watched from now on, but it's no big stress.
I have had hypothyroidism for 14 years. That means I have low thyroid function and need a synthetic replacement. I take Synthroid, but there is another synthetic called Lovoxil that does the same thing. When you first become pregnant your levels are checked, and for me, checked again every three weeks during the first trimester. After that, if the levels are stabilized it was every 6 weeks. Our son is now three months and I am still on the 6 weeks schedule for thyroid checks because my levels are still fluctuating, which is normal after pregnancy. Having Thyroid Disease is really no big deal as long as you have your regular blood draws and keep on top of it. Symptoms can range from mood swings to tiredness and fatigue, to hair loss. Once you are on the medication for a few weeks these symptoms subside and you feel a lot better. For me, it is obvious when I have missed a dose. I get hotflashes and just feel "off". Don't worry, alot of women have either hypo or hyper thyroid function.