I have my u/s tomorrow (20 weeks) and I am so anxious about it. I was more excited than worried with my ds. I just think its weird that Im so worried. Sometimes I wonder if being on this forum and seeing other peoples problems makes me overly paranoid! Anyone else feel this way?
PATIENCE I AM SO WITH YOU!!! I had the quad screen done and it came back normal and i am like...ok we just need to get a normal u/s now. I totally am way more freaked with this one too!!!
6 more hours until my u/s...and I lost the paper with how much water to drink and how far in advance....anyone have any idea?
32 oz of water between 1.5hrs and 1 hr prior, then hold it.
I work and an image facility and this is the prep we use :) But truth be told at 20 weeks you are fine not drinking that much. But sometimes the baby will be more active with your bladder full cause it takes there space :)
thank you!!! only 4 more hours
I posted this on the october mommie thread but we are having a boy and I am super excited. Everything looked normal, no alarms. I can finally enjoy my pregnancy now. Yeah!!!
I totally understand you. Whenever I have a doctors appointment I am way more nervous than excited. The only time I am excited is when i get out of the doctors office and everything is good. BUT then two weeks before my next appointment I am a nervous wreck. CONGRATS on your good ultrasound. I know how happy it makes you.