Hi Ladies, anybody had or going to try and have a va___al delivery after a c-section? I really want to but want to know any stories good or bad on if it worked or didnt...thanks!
My pastor's wife had one 4 years ago. It went super smoothly. A lot of midwives now will even do v-bacs, which shows you that they're not nearly as risky as they used to be considered to be. I'd say go for it. Your chances of complications are relatively low. Good luck!
Just being on this board from the few people I've talked to, two of them have had their incisions open and both were told not to have any more children. One it just happened to and she almost bled to death, the other did go on to have another baby. Another woman I talk to's mother in law's uterus ruptured having her husband and she went on to adopt several children. Of course that was many years ago but the other two are recent. I had thought about a v-bac too since we're young and don't know how many children we want. I looked up all the info and it looked like a good idea, but in the end I thought to myself even though it's a small possibility, I'd blame myself if something went wrong because I could have just had the c-section. I'm not trying to scare you, I promise, but what happened to them scared me because the 'statistics' put it at such a low risk.
My SIL had the old fashion c-section (the vertical cut) and delivered her next child some 7 years later at home, v____ally and una__sisted. Not the smartest thing, I know, but she tends to make really bad decisions that put her in those positions (no midwife would touch her bc she lied about having a c-section, like the midwife wouldn't see the scar, DUH) But her delivery went very fast. She is pregnant with another, due last Friday, and awaiting another una__sisted, home v____al delivery. This time she actually registered at the hospital bc I think she realizes that things CAN go wrong, and just to be on the safe side. I think that Vbac's are totally possible. Most doc's in my area just don't want the lawsuit if they ok it and something goes wrong!
Thanks ladies. I have an appointment with the OB here and they check my insides to see if its even possible for me since I had my first 2 years ago. They say the monitor me really closely if I go into labour on my own. I really want to do it naturally if possible, excpecially because of my first, I want to be more mobile and be able to lift him up. Thanks!!
HI, I've had two c-sections, the last one was 5 years ago. I have a midwife this time bc I am considering a vbac. I'm not totally decided yet, but the midwives are with me if I want to try. I can opt for a section at any time though. SO we'll see. I really don't want to do it either way! Where is the stork?!! Haha