What To Buy Before The Baby Gets Here
8 Replies
I am pregnant with my first and was just wondering what you NEED to buy before the baby comes. We are building a house right now, its supposed to be finished Sept 15, and I am due Oct 7, so I dont want to leave the purchases till the last minute. I was thinking that I needed: Crib, car seat, blankets, sleepers, socks. Let me know if this sounds good or if I am way off target. Thanks Guys!
You are on the right track, you should have lotions, diaper rash cream, b___st pads, pampers, what is the baby going to sleep in when you bring him/her home from the hospital?? Do you need or have a basinette?
Receiving blankets, cloth diapers to use as burp cloths, lots of diapers, mylicon drops for gas, baby wipes, baby soap and shampoo. I know there's more, I just can't think of it now.
Jennifer, I was going to have the baby sleep in the crib when it first gets home...does that work? Thanks Jennifer and Chel, keep me posted if you think of anything else!
A crib is fine. We always used a ba__sinett for the first month. That way we would roll it around the house wherever we wanted to be. We also kept it in our bedroom for the first month.
Yeah a crib is fine, I bought a Playpen that has a basinette that you can add to the top half of it, that way, I can have the baby in our room for the first month or so, and also be able to roll it in the livingroom for naps during the day. It is whatever you prefer
if you're having a baby shower i'd wait till after the shower to go shopping. i've never had to buy shampoos, blankets, or sleepers, they are very popular shower gifts.
right on track....this is my third and I tell you don't buy to much. Just what you need. It might get damaged or lost and a new born doesn't need much.
| D - April 27 |
this is my first, so I guess I'll learn the hard way... but my theory is: wait until after the shower! There is no point in spending time and money on stuff that will be given to us. After the shower, I'll fill in any necessary gaps. If I go out and buy every "cute" outfit or neat looking gadget I run across, I'll go broke! I think that we tend to get WAY too much stuff for these little people. All they want at first is love, food, and a dry bottom.