When Do Stretch Marks Appear
8 Replies
Just curious when the evil stretch marks appear? Can you see them as you are growing, or do they show up after birth?
not everyone gets them and i think it varies from person to person,sometimes as late as just before due date i believe.
I am very unlucky i have them quite bad and at 14 weeks .. :(
I was wondering this myself. I'm 16 weeks pregnant and I don't have any sign of them. I'm hoping I don't get them or atleast not so bad.
I started getting them at 22 weeks. Right in the middle of my belly, one on either side of my belly b___ton about 1 inch long each. Charming ;-)
I've got some on my b___bs but that's it.. I'm 12 weeks
Just talked to one of my girlfriends. Her stretch marks showed up in her 9th month...just when she thought she wasn't going to get any. :-(
Do stretch marks apper thoughout your pregnancy or after birth?
I have heard it is hereditary - my mum did not get them and I did not with my first (now 8) and am 16 weeks and no sign yet...... but you never know. I do use Nivea cream and really keep my skin moisturised perhaps that has helped. Good Luck