Okay, so Im starting to get a little worried. I know you guys said movement is really sporatic from weeks 17-20(ish). But I am barely 20 weeks now, and i thought i was feeling movements at least once a day week 17-18, but last week hardly anything at all, and this week nothing. (i think) and im not really sure what movements feel like to begin with. and then i use my doppler for a few seconds every morning and every evening when i get home from work and her heartbeat sounds quieter. should i be worried?? cnas- I cant believe that! I hope im not out of bounds but no man should ever lay a hand on his wife, i hope you and baby are okay though.
I myself, had to re-read that post as well thinking that I missed you saying it was a dream! What the hell? YOu posted that like it was a normal occurrence and not a huge deal! Get out of there NOW! Like the others have said... no man has any right to lay a finger on you! And just bc you have kids doesn't mean you have reason to stay. A man who abuses his wife or girlfriend is a coward! Tell him to go hit a man like that and see if he doesn't get his a__s kicked! Badly!
OK.. I just read your post Danielle and I am SOOO angry. I am sure that I will overstep my boundary by what I am about to say, but I don’t care. If I were you I would be on the phone so fast to the local sheriff and having his worthless a__s hauled down to the closest jail. There is absolutely no reason in this world that is acceptable for what he has done. I feel like hauling my fat pregnant a__s down there and giving him a taste of his own medicine. I have to agree with Ekay and tell you that you really need to sit down and re-evaluate your self worth and self respect and decide that no matter what you will not tolerate that kind of abuse for your own safety and the safety of your children and that precious baby inside of you. I can not have any sympathy for you in regards to this until you decide to do something now to protect your children from this. Your son just learnt that it is ok to do that to people and your little girl just learnt that it is ok to have a man do that to her. And the thought of that makes me so sad. You need to stop this now to prevent anything worse from happening.
Well, I went to the doc today 23w2d. Measuring perfect... babys hb was still 153. The midwife says she wants to do another u/s around 28 weeks to measure growth! So excited bc doc said no more ultrasounds, but midwife says why not if the insurance will pay for "most" of it. Can't wait to see the baby again! I have only gained 6.5 lbs so far! Yeah! I was overweight to begin with, so she says that is wonderful. When they went to make my u/s appt, she said, "well, you'll be in your 3rd trimester so you dont have to drink a bunch of water before your appt" I was like wait... 3rd trimester! Holy c___p! I can't believe it is only 4 weeks away! Remember when we were all saying that 2nd tri seems to be so far away??? I dont know about anybody else, but I like being pregnant! I have been very lucky with most symptoms... talk to me in about 6 weeks when I'm quite a bit bigger and Im sure my tune will be different.! Oh and by the way, it is 80 here today and my pool is calling my name for this weekend! I can't wait!
Anyway - it is now raining here - thankgoddness it is not SNOW!! Eliz - that sounds normal. HAve you had a u/s yet?? I am sorry I can't remember. Maybe you have an anterior placenta like I do. It really mutes alot of the movements most of the time. I found when I first started feelingt he movements that I would feel them here and there and then not at all for a few days. I would not worry . I am 23w1d and just in the last two weeks have they been really really consistant and even that said they are not all the consitant yet. Try drinking something really cold or some juice and go lay down for half hour or so. You may be able to feel a littel movement. As for the heartbeat, my little girls always seems to sound different these days. And yes some days it does sound a lot quieter. I think it all depends on their position at the time. Don't worry - that little stinker is just fine!! :) Gabby - I ahve become the Tums conisure!! I think I ahve tried every kind out there, and I found that the banana flavored tums with the extra calcium ar ethe ones that work the best. I usually take on or two before I eat and one or two right after and that helps at meal time, as for just drinking - yeah I kind of take them when it becomes unbearable. I chomp way more than the recomended amount, but the dr said that is ok.They won't cause any harm to baby. I never had it before getting preggers, but wow I agree - I sure hope it stops as soon as she comes out!! lol!!
Ohh boodah - That is so unfair... 80!!!! uuhhhhhhgggg....I wish!! Glad to hear all went well and babe is good. Lucky girl for another u/s!! I am trying to convionce my dr for one too but I think we will have to suck it upa dn get a 3d done!! I can't wait to see her again!
SB- i hope you are right. i had my last u/s at 17 weeks and everything was great and my next one is early next week (end of 20w). my doctor said my placenta is in the back, so i should feel her pretty good by now...im just worried that maybe shes not moving around alot. im really paraniod about things..what if shes got spina bifida or something. i dont know.but it seems like i felt them more constantly and stronger at 17 weeks.
Eliz - I know first hand from a friend who had a child with spina bifida that that was detected very early on in one of the early early u/s. The tech would have said something if there was any kind of abnormal concerns. My cousin who is 24 weeks said that she has just started to feel her little one. She saw him moving on the u/s but up until now couldn't feel him. So don't worry, all is fine and if you are feeling movement that is great!! It will get stronger before you know it!! :)
Ok CNAS - I apologize if I hurt your feelings with my earlier post, but I have thought about you all afternoon and I really hope that you can somehow resolve this without ever being hurt again by him. The support is here to do what you need to to, just ask.
boy oh boy I missed a lot!!
cnas, I hope you're still here reading this. as the social worker of the group, I have a different feeling about this and I feel really bad for you. I work with women who's husbands do this and I understand how hard it can be to admit this and even harder to leave. I know it's easy for us to say to leave, but then you have to worry about being a single mom and it is really hard!
it just made me sad to see how casual you were about it and I wanted to make sure you knew this was not ok! I am such a pain in the a__s to my husband and he wouldn't in a million years do anything like that. your hubby has a problem that you have to deal with, with or without him. go talk to someone who can help you please!!! if you want to talk privately I'll give you my email address ok? hang in there darlin :)
boodah, I'm happy to hear your little mystery babe is doing great!! I can't believe you can wait to find out, I could never!!! ekay, hope you're having fun on your vaca! I'm sooooooooo glad today is friday! SB, can you believe michael johns got voted off last night? that was bullc___p! he was so good, much better than all those girls!
Goodmorning... I am 23w today and getting excited. I feel like c___p today though. It's rainy and im tired.... we had thunderstorms last night amd it keeps me up all night.
GABBY - WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!! I was yelling at the T.V. last night watching it and was ticked!! My father-in-law was over watching it with me and just laughing his b___t off at me!! At least Jason CAstro didn't go. All those girls should go - the guys are much better this year. Grrrrr...... Ekay I had a dream last night that involved being chased by a giant chunck of pink seaweed. Can only figure it was becasue I was thinking about your trip!! lol - the dreams get weirder and weirder!! I have had the pleasure of experiencing excruciating calf cramps in the middle of the night the last two nights. I hope these don't ahppen every night from now on. Anyone have experience with these?? Budda - I hjave to agree - I LOVE being pregnant!! Aside from all the yucky sickness I have had till now (thankfully I seem to be ok not taking my meds this week now!!) I love everything about being preggers!! I love knowing that my little one can hear me talk to her and likes my voice!!
Morning everyone! Thanks for the rea__surances about my little one's movements. My hubby is always saying im too paranoid. but i cant help it, especially since ive never gone through this before. Im in a great mood today. I havent had one single drop of caffine (no chocolate, tea, coffee, sodas, etc...) since i found out i was preggers and i am a coffee nut! i could live at starbucks. but i broke down today and made myself one iced coffee (half decaf to make me feel better about it though) and it is FABULOUS!!!
Eliz - good for you!! I bet it was good!! :) I indulge way more than I should on a reg basis! I am going to have to quit working here!! One guy brought in a whole thing of homemade chocchip cookies and the boss just showed up with McDonalds breakfast for everyone. I have not given in to the McDonalds, but I did break down and have a cookie or two. Sweatpea is gonna be huge if this keeps happening here!! She was mving lots this morning which was nice - I was feeling kinda bummed out - it was my original due date today with my first pregnancy that I lost - but I am feeling much better now. She was reminding me that all I have to worry and think about is her growing strong and healthy for the next few months and then I will get to meet her! :)Very glad it is FRIDAY!!!!
yea...i caved and had a mcgriddle sandwich from micky d's today. Oh well. I was hoping the coffee would wake her up and maybe i could feel her move, but nope. i hope everything is okay. at least i heard her heartbeat this morning. I know how you feel about your loss. i actually have almost the same due date as my first pregnancy. i got pregnant within a week this time of the first time. its hard, but i think everything happens for a reason and try not to get sad. we both have miracles growing inside us and are halfway through and i cant wait until she's here!