First Pregnancy Worried Tightness Of Belly
5 Replies
im 19weeks tomorrow and lately my belly has started becoming tight not so much during the day but at night it becomes very tight this is my first pregnancy does any one know what this could be thankyou
What kind of tightness? Do you mean like the skin? It may just be starting to stretch. Or do you mean inside of you- like your uterus? But that is also growing. And all your organs are moving around to make room for baby. If you're really worried, especially if it's painful, I would suggest to call your doctor. But I would probably say it is just your growing baby and belly.
its not painful just very uncomfortable it feels as the skin is tight but then my belly goes a bit harder at night
it sounds like it could be braxton hicks. drink lots and lots of water & if you already are then drink even more!
definatly Braxton Hicks (sp?) and perfectly normal. unless a complanied by blood, or a gush of fluid or even a continuous trickle which could be amniotic fluid. BH is just your body's way of getting you ready for the big event!! good luck and i hope you get some relief soon!
thank you im now 20weeks and its stopped being so tight now thank you