Good Morning Ladies Steph Cinshon RB Misty
48 Replies
Hey Jess my bf B-day was yesterday so I decided to get him a gift from baby. It's a bib that says I Love Daddy and it could be for girl or boy. He liked it so much he even wore it and so I got pics that I will develop and scan onto piczo probably over the weekend! Hey what ever happened to your pics?? Did you get them up or what?
Sorry Penny I am such a ditz Arrrr! I really need to eat right now...... I thought for some reason you were Jess and it was her bf B-day Duh! I bet you guys are gonna have fun playin with this one! :o)
OKay like I have time for this, but every month I make a card for my BF (you know since I'm in the captial of sc___pbooking...and card making I have a ton of resources and I like to shop) Ha, anyway, the one for fathers day will have to be something like "happy Father's Day from Baby" and hopefully by that time we'll know if its a girl or boy :) When I was pregnant with my first my ex wouldn't let my buy anything, and for fathers day I bought him a little boys outfit.....we didn't know what it was, but I just had that feeling........sure enough that's what I brough to the hospital and that's what he had on when he left the hospital :)
That is so much fun but sheez its expensive! My friend does that and boy tables of fun stuff. I could never do funds! All our extra money goes on bikes and quads for when we hit the dunes!
Man Im jealous...every extra penny I make goes to bills. We can still have fun though so Im not really complaining. But the Mega Millions Lottery up here is up to 205 million dollars and I wouldn mind having a little chunck of that change! Im not into all that I think its a waste, but then again for 205 million dollars I think I could splurge a few bucks to enhance my chance....ha ha ha
I know Huh...... I think about it more now being prego than I ever did before! Any extra money pleeeezzzz
Robyn now that I think about it if you went to buy a lotto ticket would you really make it out of the pepperoni stick isle?? :D
haha confused me...........but that is a cool present idea...soooo pics yet, had a big fight yesterday with the bf.....more like he had one with me.....i was just sitting there and all of a sudden he gets mad about no he hasnt scanned the pics hating men........robyn, take care of yoou.....well the 3 of you............hugs..........
Good freaking grief. 205 million. Here the Florida lotto is topping off at like 95 million. I only remember it getting over 100 million 1 time. Cost of living here isn't as high though. Oh well. I need to go where you are, (Cali right?) and win the lotto, then come back here. :-) That would be so sweet. Boy I am finally getting really excited about the fact that I am having a new baby. I watched the Discovery Channel today and they are showing babies being born and I am really starting to look forward to it. Weird huh? I see the part that involves all the pain and I start to get excited. I just don't think I am going to let them induce this time unless they have to. It seem like everyone who has had an induced labor had a harder time. I wonder why? Maybe it speeds up the labor and therfore makes it more intense?
| rb - April 20 |
hey ladies - i actually worked today - hope everyone's doing well - will pop in a bit...
Misty, sometimes you don't have a say in whether you want to be induced or not. I had to be both times, the first one was 7 days overdue, he was going into fetal stress.(hell whatever that was 12 years ago), the 2nd one was 11 days overdue, and hell.....she asked me when I wanted him and we just picked a date and went with it, I was so ready to be done being with this one, who knows what's going to happen, I don't know what's its like to just let things we'll see :)
Youre excited about the pain part? Woah...hormones kickin in for you eh? LOL. Yeah I realised how much I wanted these babies when that whole incedent happened yesterday and it hit me hard like woah...I am connected to these people in there...weird. I guess it takes a minute eh?lol. I just heard that on Administrative Professionals Day on the 27th of this month, all us ladies in here get to go out for lunch and its on the boss and I guess they dont clock out and stay gone for about 3 hours. How awesome is that?! I guess there are like 7 ladies in here that get to go. We will probably en up going to the water fromt or something nice like that. Sweet deal eh? Thats one cool thing about washington, our seafood is AWESOME and I hated seafood until just recently...hmm....go figure!
That's the thing though. With my son the doctor hooked me up to a machine on my due date to see if I was having contractions or not and when he saw I wasn't he decided to induce the next day. We made him wait until two days later though because the next day was April 1st. But there was no reason for that other than he was a c___ppy a__s, impatient doctor. I only pushed for 30 minutes and when I wasn't making enough progress for him (the head was already crowning) he said I needed to go have a c-section. I think he was a horrible doctor looking back on things, but I was very uneducated about the birthing process so I just let him do what he was doing. I don't live there anymore but even if I did I would never go back to him.
Tell me about it, I want a vacation before I b__w up so huge that I cant walk! I love being close to the beach but part of that is being able to swim in the ocean...we cant do that down here unless you go down further like towards Oregon. The ocean water up here is nasty. The lakes are nice, but if you want some nice beaches with swimable water go to Moclipse Beach (nicest beach I have seen in this area.)
I go for my u/s tomorrow at 1!!!!! When do you go RB. I am so excited to see how far along exactly I am and if I am having twins. I don't think I am but the fact that my doc said something is making me wonder. But man what an expense that would be. I feel for you Robyn with all the stuff you have to get. But you will have two little treasures for it.
Hey Misty- I have mine on Friday 9am...planning on coming into work after that.....unless things go way unplanned!! I'm counting the days!! Keep us posted tomorrow!!!! and Good Luck!!