I had an ultrasound done. I thought I was 7 weeks and the ultrasound said 6 weeks. The heart rate was only 106. I thought that sounded really slow to me. Have any of you been in this situation before and are having a healthy pregnancy? I am scared that this is a bad sign.
Hi Kristen, WHat did the U/S tech say? Where they concerned?? I am not sure what that may mean. My u/s at 7 weeks the hr was 163. Maybe give your dr a call and just ask if it is bothering you. No need to worry yourself unless needed. Best of luck.
I actually just had a friend that is a ultrasound tech do my ultrasound for me. She didn't really say much because I don't think she wanted to since she is not a__sociated with my pregnancy. My last period was February 13 which would have made me 7 weeks 4 days pregnant and I only measured 6 weeks. That would mean I would have gotten pregnant 5 days before my period was to start and I didn't have s_x even around that time. I was scared because the dates were off and then the heart rate was a lot slower than I thought it was going to be. Anyways if anyone else knows anything about this let me know.
Kristen, it si possible that you ovulated much later in your cycle and that can definatly cause your dates to be off. I ovulate really late and we ahd to make adjustments to my dating at first because of it. So that may be a possiblity. Did she give you another readout of the heartrate?? If it is still lower, maybe give your dr a call and see what they say about it to put your mind at ease.
at 6w0d my babys heartrate was 117. so 106 might be okay. and i thought i was gonna be 7 weeks too, but i ovulated about 5 days late. (im 19 weeks now) have you made an appt with a doctor?
Kristen try not to worry, i'm now 34 weeks and at 7 weeks my baby's heartrate was 114, and everyone was freaking out adn telling me to prepare for the worst and here i am. so try not to worry too much, at 6 weeks over 100 is actually good....
Thanks for your comments! That does make me feel better. Elizhope and Sims1, do you guys know what you are having by chance? Just curious. I have a ultrasound scheduled on the 16th with my Dr., so only 5 more days to wait. That sounds like forever. Hopefully I worried for nothing.
Well, I go for another ultrasound today in a few hours. Wish me luck!! Hopefully everything is ok.
Good luck Girl!! Keep us posted!! I am sure all is just fine with your little bean!! :)
we are having a little girl!! I have my 20 week u/s in 2 hours! The heartrate goes up every weekd and then goes back down by the second trimester. mine went from 117, peaked at 169 at 10 weeks and now stays right around 135. good luck today!
Well...the ultrasound said I was 7 weeks 5 days pregnant and the heart rate was 131. I still think that heart rate is a little on the slow side. Even the ultrasound tech said it was a little slow. I wonder why because everything else looked good. The doctor did an evaluation and said that my uterus didn't look 7w5d preggo so what does that mean. He was asking if I had pregnancy symptoms like nausea. So I am like great now I have something else to worry about. I think the ultraound should be pretty acurate though. Once again hopefully everything is ok.
131 seems like a good rate. My dd's was 139 at 12 weeks. And she is PERFECTLY healthy and I am now 25 weeks. About the uterus thing, I bet your fine. Everyones grows at a different rate. Try not to stress or worry to much it is hard on you and your little baby. Just be happy that it has a good heartrate and everything looks good :)
Kristen - I wouldn't worry. When I had my u/s at 7 weeks they told me that as long as the heartrate was between 110 and 180 it was a healthy heartrate and it will fluctuate all the time. 131 is right in there and is in the right range. If the u/s said you were measuring at 7w5d and that is where you should be, then all is just fine. I don't know why your tech would say anything about the appearance of your uterus. They are not trained dr's and here they are not allowed to say anything such as that. If there is a concern then the dr will speak to you about it. But hoenstly, don't worry about it. The baby is growing and the heartrate is increasing and all is just fine!! Enjoy this time and spend it being really happy and excited and not worried. In the end you will find out that there was nothing to worry about and your little one is working on growing!! If the heartrate is something that is worrying you I would suggest to you to rent a doppler so you can monitor the heartrate on your own and see that it is fine. They are not too expensive and give such a great peice of mind. I have had mine since I was 9 weeks and have listened to her every day and night since then and I am now 24w1d! The heartrate will fluctuate lots with level of activity and growth. Congrats on a great scan and a healthy baby!! :)
I agree with everyone. In the 130's is fine. It will probably get higher in a few more weeks. Its only started beating less than 2 weeks ago. Rent a doppler from bellybeats.com (its says you need doctors permission, but you dont) I have one and listen to my baby everyday. It rea__sures me soo much. And i didnt have any nausea either. Not everyone gets it. It seems your little one is growing and the heartrate has gotten stronger. I think you should be okay. have you gotten your hcg checked for doubling?
Hi Kristen, I'm having a boy. and no worries, he's had a lower heartrate throughout the pg i know i was in your shoes worried about that too. we even rented a doppler for three months for the piece of mind, and wow does it ever give you that. plus my hubby and i had a lot of fun trying to find him. so over all thats really good don't worry and congrats, happy and healthy 9 months to you!!
btw, don't go on what the technicians say, they are not radiologists. i have no faith in them because they don't know but they terrify you. at 7 weeks i was at 114 remember. and my ob who looked at everythign was really mad at them for worrying me. although in my case i was also dilated a little bit so i thinki they thought it was a miscarriage. but the hb, my ob didn't even blink at.
at 6w3d the hb i saw was 122 and the next week it was up to 167. i think over 100 is alright. also, as far as growth goes, that's always going to vary. in one week, our little beanie grew 2 weeks in size. the u/s tech is predicting a big one lol. greeeat haha.