Howdy Maternity Esque Fat Girls

31 Replies
rb - April 29

D - you too - what time zone are you in? it's like 11 for me, so d__n! - nice long weekend for you?


D - April 29

Its after 2 pm here. Not really a long weekend... I work longer days Mon-Thurs, so I get off earlier Fri.


rb - April 29

good idea - i'm leaving at 2 today too then - i'll tell them cuz my friend D told me i could :)


D - April 29

Hey! Give it a try! My job is really flexible... as long as the hospital has the forms they need when they need them... it doesn't matter when I'm here. Plus, I supervise my dept... :) there are definate positive things about that! If I were to abuse the flexibility, I'm sure I'd lose it, but they don't care about Friday afternoon.


D - April 29

Anyways, I'm really going now! bye!


rb - April 29

hey girls - just having some lunch - BLT and soup - god it feels like i'm forever hungry during the days! - is everyone else working today?


amanda.d - April 29

Hey guys, took me a while to read this one, lol.Be back soon gotta catch up on the other posts, ttyl.


Cora - April 29

Well ...had my u/s and was a little bit upset, as I am measuring a week behind, so we couldnt really see too much, well you can see the baby's skeletal system, and the heart beating which was my main concern. They rebooked me another appt for June 6. At least I can relax now, knowing that it has a heartbeat.


Misty - April 29

Congrats on your u/s Cora. Being a week behind when they thought is nothing to worry about. They normally date things by your lmp. Which is just stupid. I mean, who actually gets pregnant the day they come off their period? Almost nobody. So don't worry about it. Plus, the ten day lee-way(sp) they have has to be true with mine. According to the dates the u/s gave me I became pregnant BEFORE I miscarried on Jan. 12th. Yeah, uh-huh, makes no sense. So the u/s tech figured because of this I must have been deluding myself (she said it much nicer) about being pregnant and miscarrying in the first place. But I had gone to the hospital the day before I lost the baby and they did an u/s that dated me at 7 weeks. She had to go pull up my records to believe me. So I am now officially a medical mystery. I definately had a m/c on Jan. 12th. But the u/s dates me to have concieved around Jan.1st. Ha. Stupid, a__s backwards thing, the way the madical world does things. I am living proof they don't know what the hell they are talking about most of the time. My baby just decided it wanted to be here and it will get here when it gets here. Pretty cool though I think....I'm a medical mystery. :-)


Steph - May 2

The Docs go by the first day of your LMP and I always thought it was because you drop your egg at this point. This is true -by the time the egg gets fertilized you are already 2 weeks pregnant- Thats right every month you can consider yourself El-Preggo. For the egg to grow and develop into what will become our babies needs to first be fertilized by a mans donation!


<Amy> - May 2

Steph! where is everyone? all the threads hav been dead for days is there a new one? i couldn't see one anywhere. Anyway how u doing? I'm 15 weeks tomorrow and yesterday was suddenly aware of baby. Had a few normal period cramps and now i can feel like a weight on the front of me and i'm aware of the baby being there!


Misty - May 2

Good afternoon you two. RB started one called the peanut gallery. We are always gone on the weekends though. That is normal. But come over to the peanut gallery and join us.


<Amy> - May 2

When you get your dates its usually what you think plus 2 weeks. I concieved 29th jan which would have been 13 weeks ago on saturday yet from scan i am 15 weeks tomorrow, things are just different for everyone is different.


penny - May 2

Hey where is everyone? I know I have been out for a few days...........I actually had work to do.......imagine that!!! I got the call back from the Doctor about the AFP test and all is okay it came back normal..........Steph did you find out about yours yet?


Steph - May 2

Penny I go for the test next week. Were you worried about your test......I'm not worried at all I'm just doin it for the hell of it i feel that I have nothing to loose and I'm keepin the baby no matter what. I feel that God only gives what we can handle so why prepared right??? :o) Hi Amy I've been pretty busy myself at work and I am super busy this week. I have tomorrow off for a funeral and Friday off for Court (Child Support Wages to be Garnished :o)....) Collecting rents this week, bank deposits and all the reports that go along with it ......Yada Yada Yada........ I'm 17 weeks on Wed Yeah!!! We also go for the u/s on the 24th and then we'll know if its boy or know how I thought it was a girl well I think its a boy now so I'm really excited I just can't wait I want to start shopping so bad!


penny - May 2

Hey Steph, no I wasn't really worried, but there's always that thought..considering that I'm 36, but I didn't have any feelings that something would be wrong, and I also believe that God only gives you what you can handle, that's why I'm surprised he's giving me a girl!!! :) We go back on the 20th of the 20 week US, so then we'll confirm for sure. Haven't done the shopping thing yet, I'm scared......don't know why, probably cause I would go overboard buying for a girl!!! :) Keep us informed on how the tests goes....



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