Is Anyone Planning A Natural Birth
17 Replies
I would like to say that I am brave enough to venture through a natural birth; however, I am not ruling out the possibility of an epidural or other alternatives. I admire those who successfully persue the natural process, but I also think that those who share outright opposition and disgust to alternatives need to remember that this is a personal choice that depends on what is right for the woman giving birth. Some people ask me that question often and then look at me as though I will be a terrible mother because I am not ruling out the possibility of pain meds. They need to mind their own businesses.
I had two, but not intentionally, the epidurals did not work for me:( so I ended up with 2 and 3 hours of pain free sleep (welcome) and then the rest of the time 10 and 6 hours were full of pain,lol. The epi messed up my back and I am just going to forgo it this time, since I already know what it is like to give birth naturally I might as well go all the way this time:) I took that cla__s my first pregnancy, which was a while ago so I only remember bits of it, but I really took hold of the not screaming but breathing through the contractions and this time I will push regardless if my Oby is in the room because last time I was ready and he was late and I ended up in a lot of pain.