Is This Normal -pg109987802179
4 Replies
I'm 27 weeks pregnant and for the past 2 weeks I have felt this weird feeling right below my belly and my va___a. It only happens once a week or so but since yesterday it has been non stop. It doesn't hurt but it's a weird feeling that I can't explain. It feels like water or something moving back and forth. I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else?
yes! this happened to me before!
it happens to me all the time, as though baby is rockin back and forth or side to side, and mostly when i stand up from sitting for long periods of time
Probably it's just the baby moving and the aminiotc fluid is bubbling as a result. Or could be gas trapped around the lower abdomen.
If it is not fetal movement, it could be a Braxton Hicks Contraction, ask your doctor....