hey again
im 13 or 14 wks preg and i was hospt_tilized last week for dehydration. i was taking zofran and i decided to try and not take it for a day to see what happens well the results werent pretty i threw up maybe 5 times that day and recieved 2 ivs. but even while taking the zofran it doesnt really help me eat it just stops me from vomiting and these past couple of days i feel as if it has not really been helping i dont vomit but ihave horrible naseua.sorry spelling was never my thing and im not eating period..should i look at a stay at the hospital for a while? and can i even do that???
You need to talk to your OB and really make him understand how horribly you feel and that you aren't able to eat at all. That should get his attention. I would think that there would be some kind of medication that could help, or maybe getting admitted to the hospital would be a good idea. What happens if you force yourself to eat? Would you throw it up? If not then you have to eat no matter what. Pick a few healthy foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner and decide on a few snacks and just choke them down. Please, Please talk to your OB, plead if you have to. Let me know how you are doing and what happens. :O}
hey been a while since i been on i was hospitilized from april 27 till may 1 just got out a couple of days ago..but they gave me so many vitiamins and ivs tht i feel like im good as new! actually my morning sickness is gone no nausea or vomiting for 4 or 5 daays so far..thank god knockon wood dnt wanna jinx that lol and ive actualy gained 5 lbs yay!!! so i guess it really got bad cuz it was getting ready to end. i finally feel human again =)
I'm pregnant with my first, have no clue of my due date, I am guessing that its in september around the 20th. I have been so sick with HG I lost 21 pounds mostly due to dehydration. I since have been on diclectin( only avail in Canada) and I'm still sick but I can eat food if I don't miss a pill. It beats being hospitalized.It just feels nice to know there are some other mothers out there who also have this problem. I though I just wasn't tough enough to go to work and live normally like I see so many other mothers do. I have since gained all my weight back my life saver though is gatorade tens times better than water to keep hydrated!!
the same thing happend to me i was brouht to the hospital when i dident no my own name i was so dehydrated i thoguht i was going to die... i was throwing up like crazy in the begning they gave me reglan it dident help me eat but i dident barf if i did eat..ii actully just started eating full meals at 19 weeks.... i wouldent be to worried about the weight loos..i was 140 lbs in the begning and at 17-18 weeks i was only 118 lbs and everything was fine with me. ...but all the sickness pa__sed with me and i feel great now i hope u will too!!! its so sucky i no