wow 20 weeks already!! Congrats Beth! :)
| NM - April 13 |
Jennifer are you going to go over to the 3rd trimester board soon?
I am working from home today to. Thank goodness I only have to write reports today. I should be measuring , but I have no gas and no money soooo....I just got back from taking my kitty to the doctor. He started spraying our rugs for some reason. The doctor thinks it is behavioral and I got to thinking about it and I put him on a diet a couple weeks ago and feed him separately from the other cats. I think he is trying to get back at me. The dang thing weighs almost 17 pounds! Anyways, Congrats on the 20 weeks!!!! I am scared it is going to start flying by and I am getting scared. On the topic of maternity leave, I don't get it. I am self employed so I have no paid vacation or anything. I am working to the day I deliver and will probably at least start writing reports from home about 2 weeks after I give birth. It REALLY sucks trying to work with a newborn but those bills don't wait! I think I will move to Canada. What's the real estate market like Jennifer? :-)
Citrouille, you little belly is popping out so cute! And in just a couple of weeks too!
Yes what is the market like out there, we bought a 2300 square foot house, four bedrooms three and a half bath, new home and it cost us 300,000
Hey Beth, that's pretty close. I am a Wireless Switch Technician, I work in the building where all of the equiptment that proccesses calls is located. It is my job to maintain this equiptment, and make sure call proccessing, voice quality, etc are all up to parr..... So it seems like everyone is doing good today. Well, I feel my movements kinda low too, right above my pubic hairline. However, the u/s tech said that my baby's head is right below my navel, and her body comes down my right side and her feet are right above my pubic hairline,she's sideways, forming a C... Hope that make sense to you all,,,,,
You would be able to get a huge house here for $300,000, and if you change your 300,000 US into Canadian Dollars, you would have more like 400,000. It really depends on where in Canada you would be looking at, I am sure the bigger cities like Toronto and Vancouver, would be alot more, but where I live in New Brunswick you would get an amazing house for 400,000. My husband and I bought our house over 2 years ago, when they were alot cheaper then they are now, and it only cost us 85,000. You aer probably thinking that it is a little shack, but it is not, it has 3 big bedrooms, the only down fall is there is only 1 bathroom. We may put another one in downstairs at some point, but right now there is not a need for a second one. I am the only girl in the house, so far, so I don't have anyone to fight for it with.
| NM - April 13 |
I am eating lunch and I just spilled lemonade all over my desk and on myself. My papers are soaked.
| NM - April 13 |
My pants are soaked. I do not want to get up. It looks like I couldn't make it to the bathroom:(
That is funny. You are having a bad day!!
| NM - April 13 |
I am laughing about it now but, I just want to go home.
Yeah NM , I will be in my third trimester in a few weeks, I don't want to leave you guys though. I will probably go over, but keep chatting with you guys until you are all ready to go over too.
| NM - April 13 |
I will be over there with you shortly..5 more wks.
I still have 2 more weeks.
oohh man and with the equity our house has already gotten I would love to sell and move!! rhen we might actually have money in the bank, haa haa