No Movement-pg121365174978
14 Replies
I will be 17 weeks tomorrow and i havent felt any movement at all. I dont even feel flutters! Im so scared that im going to loose the baby. At 17 weeks is it okay to feel nothing?
hey sarahdavid, my personal experience is that i never really felt anything with the baby movement until 18 weeks and that was with my fourth pregnancy. do you have a doctors appointment coming up? they should be able to listen to the heartbeat to help set your mind at ease.
i have a doctors appt this thursday. i also got a doppler from bellybeats so i can listen to the heartbeat on my own. im so ready to feel the baby move
i felt the same way when i was pregnant with my son, and he is now 18 months. The doppler works great for when you are feeling scared. I am currently pregnant with my second and the U/S tech said i have an Anterior placenta, which means it sits furthur back and that i might not feel movement til 20- 25 weeks give or take... so keep thinking positive girl!
I didn't feel movement until 20+ weeks.
as long as you have a doppler and can check the heartbeat you are fine :) It may still be a while anyways to actually feel movement if you are only 17 weeks. Good luck!!! :)
I'm 19 weeks and still don't feel a thing but I had an u/s sound yesterday and she is moving all over the place :-)
i am almost 20 weeks and i still dont know exactly when i am feeling her move.. but i had a drs appt and she had the doppler and couldnt even hear the hb because the baby was moving around so much and i couldnt feel a thing! it all depends on the baby, placenta and even your weight..
I agree with blackandwhite about it depending on the placental position & your weight. I have always been pet_te & with dd I felt her move at 15wks & by the 19wk scan she even head b___ted the ultrasound probe cause the tech was probing rather hard to turn her. It surprised me but it surprised the tech even more. With ds I was scared something was wrong because I felt 1 or 2 flutters at 18wks & was expecting more as I knew the feeling to expect. My placenta was growing right up the front which was cushioning ALOT of the feeling from the movements. As the pregnancy progressed I soon felt as many kicks as I did with dd, but it definitely worried me in beginning when I didn't feel much. Also if you have extra weight, the fat acts like a cushion & will block alot of the movements, but I imagine as the baby grows you would soon feel just as much as anyone.
Im 19 weeks, and just felt my first "bubles" and kicks yesterday!
hey ladies anyone out there still feeling no movement at 19 weeks. Im a pretty small girl and I figured by now i would for sure feel her move. I try to lay on my side and be still but nothing... anyone else still waiting??
I didn't feel movement with my first until 22 weeks. With this pregnancy it was much sooner at 15 weeks. I am sure everything is fine.
I agree, I think it's b/c it's your first one. I didn't feel it last time until over 20 weeks, this time at 15 weeks. It's normal. How is the doppler working for you? I haven't gotten around to getting one yet, but I want to.
Hi sarahdavid did they tell you at your u/s where your placenta was positioned? Placentas generally grow up the back (posterior) but If it is growing up the front (anterior) like it did with my 2nd, you may not feel any movements for another couple of wks. I'm sure everything is fine so try not to worry too much, trust me when your close to your due date & bubs is punching your bladder while kicking your ribs you will be wishing you didn't feel quite so much movement lol. Anyway best of luck with your pregnancy & I'm sure you'll feel something soon :)
believe it or not, my mom went through a whole pregnancy never feeling my sister once. she was positioned wierd i guess, she did end up being born breech though.