Pressure In Lower Abdomen-pg110489639122
7 Replies
| Loy - January 4 |
I am almost 4 months pregnant(15 weeks) and I am starting to experience presure in my lower abdomen. What is this and is it normal??
Hi loy, I have been feeling pain in my abdomen also. I am 12 weeks pregnant. Sometimes it hurts so bad i almost cry. I dont know what it is. Mine is a combitnation between pain and pressure. So really i dont know waht it is.If anyone can help either one of us that would be great thanks alot.
| DEE - January 11 |
it is your ligaments and uterus stretching out it can hurt in your back too it can be very painful my dr told me that if it gets too bad you can take tylenol there are also some stretches you can do that will help
Im 23 and a half weeks and I had that same pressure/pain. Lying down for a lil bit helped me.
Dee is right, it is your ligaments stretching, not to worry. I have exactly the same, sometimes I curl up in a ball cause of the pain, but it goes away again. I wonder why it is worse for some women than for others though..hmmm.
Round ligaments on each side of the uterus attach it to the abdomen and hold it in place. During pregnancy, the uterus gets bigger to make room for the growing baby. This puts strain on the round ligaments and may cause pain. The problem is not serious. It is a normal part of pregnancy.
i have learned from carrying my children low that the lowere you carry the more pressure you have.
thank you! I'm 15 weeks and I've been having pressure (along with cramps/stetching & pulling) as well. I'm so glad to hear others refer to it as pressure - I was starting to think I had an incompetent cervix or something....