Every now and then (seems like it has happened three times in the last 3 weeks) I have a small gush of fluid mixed with egglike discharge. The first time it happened I went to the ER, said it was not a problem. Does anyone else have this kind of fluid/discharge leakage. I realize that being pregnant you have excess discharge, which I have, but I am just concerned that when it gushes out instead of just coming out slowly over the whole day is kind of strange. My doctor has me scheduled for a test that is done in the hospital to check for a fluid that is a gluelike substance that keeps your cervix together. He has me concerned that I might be leaking amnionic fluid. Has this happened to anyone? What does amnoinic fluid look like? Thanks for the feedback.
| Dee - February 14 |
I had this experience yesterday! I read a copy of a book called Your Pregnancy Week-by-Week last night and in the chapter on the 23rd week is said that you may find extra leaking now that is clear that leaves you wondering if it's amniotic fluid. Most likely, they said, it is just your bladder leaking because of the weight of your uterus sitting on top of it. Also, at this stage during my last pregnancy I had a gushing episode -- a small one, but it was unnerving -- and it turned out that I had a really bad yeast infection without any other symptoms. I got that cleared up and the leaking/gushing stopped. All this to say, most likely it's totally benign but it's good to get it checked out to ease your mind!