Could I Still Be Pregnant -pg121640296042
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Well I am 16 yrs. old. and me and my boyfriend have been having unprotected s_x and about a month ago i had a feeling that i was pregnant. Some signs that make me think that i am is i have been having headaces, my br___t were sore at the begining of the month, i feel dizzy,increased body temperature, some food cravings and a little bit of nausea but i havent been throwing up just feeling like i am going to, i have been having been in having mood swings and i feel tired all the time. And for the past week i have been going to the bathroom like every 30 minutes but i dont drink more than i use to. Do you have more deria while you are pregnant? I have been having deria everyday like 4 or 5 times a day for the past 3 weeks. Someone told me that while you are pregnant your lower abdomen feels hard. Well mine is really hard. i have put on some weight and that is not normal for me because i havent gained weight for the past 4 or 5 years. And plus me and my boyfriend have just broke up so i would be losing weight instead of gaining it. Then i took 2 of the home pregnancy test and they both came out negative. I have had my period one time. Most of the time i have an irregular period but all of a sudden it has become regular. Does that happen because I am pregnant? Could i still be pregnant and just not have enough hCG levels to get a positive result on a test?