I reacently used a lubercant with my wife (who is 7 weeks pregnant) that contained nonoxynol-9 not even thinking and started to research if this was dangerous. Although I have read it can cause certain types of infections (Yeast) due to it properties I have not been able to find out if it is dangerous to the baby. I do not plan on using it again but I am still woried. I am sure it is fine but want to make sure.
Your doctor would have the best insight for this question
I am not sure about the effects of using it while you're already pregnant but I'm trying to look into what possible effect it could have on a woman who was using it during the actual time of conception. I used Nonoxynol-9 to prevent pregnancy and had one miscarriage. The only other time I used itwas to prevent my third pregnancy which didn't work but I had a child born withDown Syndrome, which doesn't run in my family, and I am only 22. I would like to hear from anyone who has any info on this subject.