Possibly Implantation Bleeding
10 Replies
My boyfriend and I have been ttc for the past 2 months and I am due for AF this Friday 05/18/12. I have a 29 day cycle and am always on point. I get cramping and back pain either the day before or the day of my period...ALWAYS. This time though Ive been bloated and having very very mild cramps compared to what I normally get, for the few days now. I just noticed a pink/brown light discharge when I wiped today (sorry if tmi!!) but its 4 days still until my period comes!!! What the heck is going on? Could this be implantation bleeding/cramping? I used an ovulation calculator that said I was mostly fertile between 05/02 - 05/06 and my boyfriend and I have been trying nearly every day since 04/19. :/
I have two kids already and what you describe sounds very promising. I will be 6dpo tomorrow, and never got a positive result before 12dpo, so I'm waiting. It's killing me. This would be an, "oops!" If you can stand it, then wait until the day af is due before you test, a false negative can be crushing. No point in stressing yourself any more than you already are. Keep me posted. ***BABY DUST***
Thank you! I was so sure my period was going to come this morning so I wore a tampon last night and this morning when I went to the bathroom, there was barely anything on it. Just some more light pink/brown discharge, but less of it than he previous day. I'm still getting the minimal cramping but I've also noticed my body is SO achey!! Been like this for 2 days now. Feels like I've been to the gym for 5 hours or something. Also since last Wednesday I've had sporadic hits of nausea. My girlfriend pushed me into testing this recent Sunday and it was negative just like I presumed. I will def keep you posted!! :) keep me posted as well!!
Okay so I put a tampon in this morning cuz I still felt like AF was coming and I just took it out and (sorry for tmi again lol) on the very very tip was a bright red type blood. All this is something Ive never experienced because my periods always start with a heavy brown discharge and then the very next day I have a super heavy blood flow. So I really am confused on whats going on....
NO MORE TAMPONS! They could hold bacteria near your cervix and cause an infection. If you are pregnant, that could cause you to miscarry. As long as you stop now, your fine. Go buy some pads and use them instead. Wait and test on friday, and hopefully you get a positive result. I still have atleast 6 days before I can test. If I am pregnant, this will be a total accident. Don't get me wrong, I would love to have another baby. I LOVE babies. I just thought I was done with all that. At this point, I'm starting to get used to the idea, and I think I'll be happy if I am. My husband will need a day or two to let it sink in. He is a fantastic father, and eventually he will come around and be excited. So far I have had horrible night sweats with low grade fever the past two nights. I am getting winded going up the stairs, and some headaches. Who knows, I could just be sick. I will soon find out. Keep me posted as to how you are doing. My name is Mandi, by the way.
Ok I just took the last tampon out! There was a lot more of the blood on it...maybe I got my period super early...which is weird because I NEVER do! Ugh I switched to pads though and when I just wiped there was absolutely nothing. So the blood is way up my cervix apparently...I dunno what's going on. We will see though! As for your situation, sounds quite possible you are! Good luck to you though!! :) and I'm Ashley by the way!
It still sounds to me like implantation bleeding. Don't get discouraged yet. I have never had a period that stopped and then started again. Where are you from? I am in Washington state. I was on this forum in 2007, and our son was born July 17th 2008. This forum used to be so busy, with new threads all the time. We had mommys groups for every month. Maybe we could start our own, and ask other women to join as they come on. It was so much fun, and you get to know people from all over the world. Not to mention I got a great friend out of it that only lived 40 minutes from me. I was disappointed to see how slow it's gotten. Women post questions and no one answers.
Well I def think I started my period this morning. I'm so disappointed :( I'm really surprised I got my period this month. We tried so hard! I've had so many moments where I should've been pregnant and it makes me think I may not be able to have children :( I also don't understand why my period started SO early!! This never has happened to me before! Ugh...guess well just keep trying :/ anyways, I'm from MA and the mommy group def sounds like a good idea! :)
So sorry. Don't get discouraged. My best friend is finally pregnant after 15 months of trying, and she's due September 15th. Turns out she has low progesterone and couldn't maintain a pregnancy without supplements. If this is really only your second month TTC, I wouldn't worry. On average it takes women 6 months to get a sticky one. If 6 months comes and goes with no pregnancy, then go see your OB and he/she will give you some options. I am now starting to lean toward pregnant. Lastnight I had mild achy cramps, my nipples looked darker and I had heartburn. This morning I felt light headed and have low back aches. I also woke up at 4:45am and couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up and got ready for the day at 5am. I am not an early riser and I hate getting up in the morning. Anyway, I have to get my kids dressed and ready to go. Good luck to you. I'll check back later. ***BABY DUST***
We will def continue trying!! Some of the girls in my cla__s said they had what seemed like periods the first month which is how they didn't really know till they were pregnant so they told me to test when this is done anyway just in case so I will! But I doubt its the real deal :/ I mean I'm only 22 so it hopefully doesn't take us THAT long but were both smokers and he drinks a few beers everyday after work so I dunno if that'd affect us at all either. I'm sure the smoking does, but I don't know how much of an affect that has on fertility. Hopefully those are pregnancy symptoms and not AF!! Is this what you experienced with your other pregnancies? **BABY DUST**
Not to be preachy or anything, but... your should quit smoking now. You cannot smoke while pregnant, so you may as well get it over with now. My husband was a smoker years ago when he was in the Coast Guard. He used Nicorette Gum and got through it. It's sold at drug stores and I know you can get it at Costco. my mom smoked when she was pregnant with me and I was born with low birth weight and some other complications. It was a scary time for my family. My mom said if she could go back, she would have stopped cold turkey for me. Her smoking is probably why I have Thyroid disease. Anyway, get all the information and make an educated choice, that's all. I really feel as though I'm pregnant. I guess we will find out soon enough. I ended up telling my husband that I might be pregnant lastnight. He totally freaked! He turned sheet white and left the room. It took his MOTHER to talk him off the preverbial "ledge". He acted like a teenager. Totally ridiculous, he's almost 35! He's over it now and we will be fine if the test comes back positive. The symptoms are familiar, but every pregnancy is different, so who knows. The most promising symptoms I have are the heartburn, and cervical position. My fingers are crossed. If I'm not, then there will be no trying. It's this one or nothing. I'm 36, and thought I was done with all this. Not that I wouldn't love another baby, I really would. Good luck to you.