Pregnancy Signs Pg1307973029
21 Replies
Ayalah, that probably answers your questions. If the period is shorter or lighter than normal, you may decide to test anyway.
I tested again this morning and it was negative. But My dilemma is... Still no period, having a thick white discharge sneezing a lot and now my nipples are a bit sore. What the heck is going on?
You are right, the situation is far from clear cut. Have you started on another pill pack, or are you waiting for a period before you do that? You are more than a week late, it seems. All I can suggest is you test next weekend one more time, and if that is still negative you should wonder about other reasons. Call the doc if you miss a second period. GL!
hey, my last period was may 18, havent really been having symptoms but going to the bathroom alot like i usually do before af, sleeping more and moody like im pms'ing but i havent came on and this has been happening for 2 weeks... last month i took medroxyprogeterone to make me come on... could that be why im late ? im usually 33 days. please give me some advice ?
i meant medroxyprogesterone*