27 Replies
Has anyone had cramps right after ovulation??? I am 3 DPO and I have been having very light cramping on the right side.
Are you absolutely sure you are past ovulation? I mean, are you sure the cramping wasn't ovulation?
According to I am 3days post ovulation. I had s rise in temps starting Monday
Hmm..I've never charted because I've always relied on feeling the cramping when I ovulated. (And that seemed to work for me.) So, I don't know. It's confusing. If you do want to get pregnant, and you have the chance to, you could always try 'cozying up' tonight..;-)
Thanks Rainbow I have been TTC for 3+years. I just had an HSG on the 21st of April so I am hoping and praying that it worked fro me
Celia, hope it works out for you!! Lots and lots of baby dust.. Keep us posted..
Thanks again. I will keep you posted.
| dm - May 4 |
celia...i had the same thing happen to me this month. we've been ttc for 9 months and this is the first month i started cramping 3dpo. it was on my left side and at one time i had to sit down b/c i hurt to walk. i used opk and charted so i know i was 3dpo. af was due today and no sign of her yet. don't know what to think. i may test tomorrow. the cramps lasted on and off until about a week ago. then started back yesterday. i'm hoping this is a good sign. hope this helped some. good luck!!
dm thanks for the info. I thought that I was hallucinating I keep feeling these weird twinge like cramps on the right side wonder what it could be?? Did you have any other weird things happen?? I was shopping today and I felt really dizzy.
| dm - May 4 |
celia...nope no other signs. i've been tired but that's probably just my 2 1/2 year old. it's odd but i noticed today that my bbs don't hurt. they usually hurt about a week before af. i don't want to get my hopes up because af will probably sneak up on me. just when you think that this is the month...bam...there she is. oh well i need to stay positive. if i haven't started by morning...i'm testing. i'll let you know what happens. since the same thing happened to me 3dpo if i do get a bfp at least i'll be able to give you hope.......good luck and baby dust!!*****
Good luck Dm and Baby dust to you as well PLEASE keep me posted
| dm - May 5 |
hey sign of af today. i'm officially 2 days late. i about to go buy a hpt. probably the dollar tree kind since i've heard so many good things about them. i will let you know how it turns out. how are you doing today? any more cramps?
| dm - May 5 |
well it was bfn. i guess i'll wait for a couple more days and see if af shows. i wish she would show so i can get this cycle started. i'm scheduled for a hsg when af ends. maybe that will do the trick. oh well sorry i couldn't give you more to look forward to for now. good luck!
So far no cramps today just felt weird down hterenwhen i was asleep. Sorry about your BFN maybe you just tested too early
| TJ - May 13 |
I am 3dpo today and I am having slight cramping on my right side and lower back on the right side. Please let me know what you hear.
TJ---i got the cramping also on my right sideand my right leg hurt for hours-what could that mean--i hope it is a good sign and not a cyst or something-anyone have any info about what the cramping on the right side-is? good luck to all that want to be pregnant!!!
| CB - May 16 |
Celia- I saw your post and had to respond. I awoke last night with cramping, but am also 3dpo - it's the same kind of cramping I get just prior to ovulation. Anyone else have any answers??