Am I Pregnant Pg1310747113
20 Replies
june 23-27th ovulated me and my husband had s_x on all days except for monday the 27th which was my ovulation day but we had s_x period is always 3 days only sometimes its 4 but mostly 3,anyway my period was due july 11th monday it came on normal but tuesday i kept feeling cramps like it was going off and it also slowed down like it was going off now its still tuesday and at night time ma and my husband had s_x and it completely left until wednesday i saw light pink stains in my panties but no period i was thinking it came from me having s_x the night before,does 2 days count on my period since i had it on monday and it was going off tuesday could i have had my period for 1 day and a half but i dont ahve symptoms except cramping even now im not on my period and i still feel light cramping and it feels like my period is coming but i already had it i guess i feel like my bladder is full like something pressing on it or i have something heavy in it am i pregnant
No other signs - fatigue, peeing more often, lotion discharge, backache, b___sts, nips, emotions, hot flashes, heartburn, short of breath, dreams, acne, veins etc? Take a test if in doubt. GL!
i onl have alot of pressure on my bladder to pee a little aching in my b___st but not that much to be worried about either my uterus or bladder feel heavy inside little nausea but it could be for anything,please if u can answer some questions that ive asked in my post u think im pregnant what should i do
i forgot about after ovualtion i had creamy lotion white discharge when i wiped and when i stuck my finger in myself i had alot of creamy lotion discharge on my finger sorry to be gross.
Tracy, go buy a test and run it on first morning pee. You don;t have enough signs for me to encourage your hopes, but some women get very few. A test should tell by now. GL!
I have felt like I have a heavy uterus or maybe swollen uterus. I have been peeing a bit more and have had white discharge. I have been pregnant before, could I feel symptoms earlier since I've been pregnant before? My husband and I are trying. I shouldn't start my period for 11 more days. Just wondering!
grandpa viv its me again i havent taken any pregnacy test yet cause i dont wanna waste my money but im still having that pressure as if im pregnant in my uterus or my my bladder,today very dizzy and i suppose to be fertile today threw sunday but i ovulate on saturday and im not having no symptoms of me being fertile i can usally tell when im ovulating cause i checks my cervix and the discharge wet slippery and you can take your fingers and pull it apart,but thats not happening right now everytime i check my cervix inside i get a creamy milky lotion light discharge that comes out on my fingers remember i did get a 2 day period but some people can have their period and still be pregnant.i already have a son who is 13 years old so i havent had 1 in 9 to 10 years im only 34 years old so what does it sound like and what should i do
found out i wasnt pregnant after all so i tried again this month i ovulated from july 2oth until 23rd is when i ovulated so me and my husband had s_x saturday16th,monday 18th,wednesday20th,saturday 23rd and monday 25th and now its been 3 to 4 dpo and i have a little burning in my nipples and just a tiny sore off and on my nipples keeps getting erect even when i was sleeping last night they erected cause i slept on my stomache and they hurted when that happened my period is not due until august 6th but since 2 days ago i keeps feeling very crampy a little and it feels like im about to start my period but its not due yet i have period symptoms like its coming now but once again not due until the 6th a little dizzy off and on the left and right ovary side a little tingling do u think im pregnant this time.
I'm confused by your time line, Tracy. When did your last three periods start?
i had my period april 1st then april 25th may 21st june 15th and last july 11th im experiencig alot of soreness in my nipples my period is due on the 6th of august im 8dpo tomorrow will b 9dpo
I get it - a 26 day cycle and you ovulate CD12. Yeah, you have some encouraging signs already this cycle, but there is little point in testing until your period is late or light. Baby dust!
granpa v i took a cvs pregnancy test at 6am this morning and it was negative im 10dpo today did i test 2 early cause my period due saturday could i still be pregnant
Waiting for a responce granpa viv
i took anothe rpregnancy test this morning the dollar tree test and it was negative but yesterday i had cramps in my abdomen then hitting my back and side but it wasnt heavy just mild nipples still getting erect adn little soreness my period is due saturday it feels like my period is coming now is it still to early for me to be testing i heard alot of womens tested at 10dpo 11dpo and got a positive and some didnt please repond soon