Recently I hadn't gotten my period for 4 months up until last week when I got it however the first day didn't start of as normal. It was really light pink....the next couple of days however it was heavy. Now I am having a runny milky discharge that I've never had before. It's not a yeast infection I know that. Anybody got any ideas?
Is creamy white discharge post ovulation??? Or do you get it before ovulation?? I have read so many different things anyone know...THANKS
hello ladys, i was wondering if anyone could give e a bit of advice... my last period started on the 8th of febuary it is now the 12th of march, im not sure on how regular my period is as i came of off the contraceptive implant 3 months ago, but i am trying, and im experiencing a really white discharge sometimes its quite watery other times is realy think or stringy.... will i do a test of is this common? thankss! x
Cervical fluid or cervical mucus stays more slippery than it otherwise would just after ovulation but before a period. The cervical mucus loses its longish strands that resemble an egg white. During this time, cervical mucus tends to be clear, thick, and viscous. Relatively soon into pregnancy, the cervical mucus will form into the mucus plug. This will cause the cervical fluid to become more and more dry as pregnancy continues.