Early Period I Think Need Help
2 Replies
Well about a month ago I had un protected s_x with my boyfriend. Well then on January 2nd I started my period a week early well I think? It's brownish/black blood. Not to much bleeding but not too little either. Well today is the 9th and its my normal start for my period. I started and its very heavy which I'm not use to? It's already been a week since I started the period with the darker blood now it's dark and red? I am on birth control and I did take a pregnancy test and it came out negative. Has anyone expire winced this before? I don't know what I should do..?
With a period due Jan 9th your fertile window would likely have been close to Christmas - is this when you had unprotected? How long have you been taking these bc pills? You are not reciting any typical early pregnancy signs so I have trouble thinking you are pregnant. Why not continue with your bc pills as normal, run another preg test a week from now just to check, and call the doc if your Feb period is not back to normal. GL!