warning! TMI,
so my last period was on march 10th, and had unprotected s_x around the 20th and 21st. then i started to bleed a little on the 27th. it was only enough blood to wipe. didnt need a pad. it started out pink then it got brown then a little reddish, then back to pink, and now about 4 days later it has completely stopped. my periods usually last about 27 days, and i am due to start around the 6th of April. could this have been implantation bleeding, or am i just getting my hopes up?
The timing and description is right for implantation spotting. If you are getting pregnant you could notice some changes in the coming week - fatigue, weird cramps. more peeing etc. Test when late or light using first morning urine, GL!
im two days away from my period now and i dont have any pms symptoms, but i usually do around this time..
i am now a day late i took a test and it was negative. help?
My period has been very weird this time around and I'm wondering if it could be implantation bleeding. Its been very very light, but more then just spotting however I could still get away with just using liners. Its been very thin as well and only lasted a few days. No clotting whatsoever. I've been reading all over the internet but everybody says different things. The first day it was brown the second was bright red... I took a pregnancy test the morning before I started and it was negative, but now I'm wondering if it could have been to early.
Technically implantation spotting occurs about a week before your period is due. A light period at the regular time occurs in many pregnancies. It seems you had exposure during the fertile window or you would not be here. If you have other early preg signs (fatigue, peeing more, weird cramps etc.etc.) then a couple more tests at one week intervals would be a good idea. GL!
been spotting very light pinkish brown discharge these past two days, aunt flow was suppose to be here on the 16th .. It's only when I wipe though. Is it my period?! Got a BFN this morning but all month I just felt off ... I hope AF stays away and I get a BFP soon.. 13 DPO..
Anyone experience this .. Please share ?